New Member
Harbaugh made Lowell is media bitch! Hilarious!! "Lowell, I'm done with you, fetch the stick Lowell - Lowell = Fido
Yeah, if anything, I'd guess it was Jenkins' agent who was like, "You need to get into camp." As a first round pick, he presumably would have been fine missing this camp. But it's not the foot you want to start on in the NFL.
Well this article was Lowell's masterpiece and he actually puts words in Harbaugh's mouth.
Gee, why didn't Harbaugh pay 100% attention to me and my pointless question? Why did he give me a brush-off answer and now I can say he LIED to me? No coach has ever LIED to the media about the team! -signed, the other Douchebag Cohn.
FYI - I didn't walk my undergrad, either, Grant. Maybe because most realize the act of EARNING the diploma is much more important than waiting for hours to walk across a stage for 10 seconds with 2 thousand other people. Sometimes, there's other shit to do in life.
Bing! If people want to, they will. If people have the opportunity (at worse odds than winning multiple PowerBalls) to play in the NFL, who the FUCK are you to challenge their priorities?
Seriously, who is paying this jerkoff to write this nonsense? Embarrassing.
so much hate for the Cohn's, yet you all continue to click and read their stuff?
Of course. That's what they want. Say something outrageous, get people all fired up and have them talk about it.
This is nothing new. Jim Rome did it to Jim Everett, Skip Bayless would do it with Troy Aikman, etc. etc. It's all about ratings and a lot people don't care how they get them.
The difference to me is that Cohn actually brought people into this thing by having them write about it. It would be the equivalent to me of having people write into the paper and have them print it or having them call a radio show that was being hosted by a guy who had a beef with a player and award the callers that supported his issues. Interestingly enough it looks the PD erased that blog.
and apparently its working cause depite the many claims of "worthless dribble", many here CONTINUE to click and read???
Me personally, I don't follow the local beat writers, as I'm a thousand miles away, and generally don't care about football in May. But I did read the links because I really had nothing better going on at the time (middle of the night, slightly drunken-stupor induced). Having read what I read in this thread, I certainly won't bother seeking out the Cohn's drivel in the future.
However, Davis' jabs at baby Cohn are very funny. I wouldn't mind reading those in the future. But in order to understand the context, I'd feel compelled to follow through. It's a catch-22. A "which came first, the chicken or the egg," kind of scenario. None of which means what the Cohns are writing is anything but drivel. Does my clicking on their links and commenting as such make them a success? I can't see how. When enough people call you a hack, you get fired. Being a well-publicized hack doesn't make you a success. It makes you a hack that everybody is aware of.
When you go to their website that generates a hit. That hit means revenue cuz of the ads listed on the site. When people talk about the Cohn's, their site gets alot of traffic so more revenue. Their writing generates such outrage that people have to go there and vent. More people = more money. That's all the Press Democrat cares about. If the Cohn's don't make em money then they wouldn't be employed.
yes, everyone (most anyway) know this.
but its amusing those complaining KNOW about the garbarge, yet still click and read?
its like already knowing kim chee is spicey, you still go ahead and eat it, then complain its spicey?
yes, everyone (most anyway) know this.
but its amusing those complaining KNOW about the garbarge, yet still click and read?
its like already knowing kim chee is spicey, you still go ahead and eat it, then complain its spicey?
LMAO!!! Dude, this could be the post of the year so far - Friggen Hilarious!!
Must have to have eaten Kim Chee. Never eaten her, but she's been trending on the board alot lately.
yes, everyone (most anyway) know this.
but its amusing those complaining KNOW about the garbarge, yet still click and read?
its like already knowing kim chee is spicey, you still go ahead and eat it, then complain its spicey?