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Glory days! aka How many times have you watched the games?


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I must have watched the Super Bowl 6 times by now and I just watched the NFC Championship game (which I saw in person) for the 4th or 5th time and they never get old.

I suffered through SBXL but am not old enough to have seen our only other championship. I just want to share how much joy and pride watching these games still conveys. It's amazing how certain points in these games can still force a joyful laugh. The 4th and 7 when Kearse made that catch for example. I went ballistic when it happened. Watching again, I can't help but laugh at how incredible that play was.

Super Bowl Champions!!!!!


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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I've watched it a couple times at least. Plus watched the NFL films version and SoundFX versions a couple times each.

One of my favorite things was going to youtube to watch all the fan reactions by Niners and Bronco's fans for those two games. The Niner fans especially went pretty wild after the Sherman "Nope" tip to clinch our ticket to the Superbowl.


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May 25, 2013
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7-8 times already, plus the Fx sound effects version. Than I decided to restart the season and have been watching week one onward. (up to week 6) Can't get enough of Percy harvin runaround, kickoff and Sherman's Good Lord its Percy. Only thing I still can't get my head around and most likely never will is how that was not a first down when Wilson put the ball out before running out of bounds. Seems like I have seen that play a 1000 times be called a first, but not there. And than they admit it was wrong but not a first and still take our timeout. (I thought it they where wrong you got to keep the timeout period.) O well still loving the game.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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7-8 times already, plus the Fx sound effects version. Than I decided to restart the season and have been watching week one onward. (up to week 6) Can't get enough of Percy harvin runaround, kickoff and Sherman's Good Lord its Percy. Only thing I still can't get my head around and most likely never will is how that was not a first down when Wilson put the ball out before running out of bounds. Seems like I have seen that play a 1000 times be called a first, but not there. And than they admit it was wrong but not a first and still take our timeout. (I thought it they where wrong you got to keep the timeout period.) O well still loving the game.

I have thought the same thing. I watched the coach's view on NFL rewind and when Wilson runs it the play prior, you can see the sticks are right at the edge of the marker for the 8 yard line, then on 3rd down, Wilson makes it to that exact same mark, but it is not a first down?? It seems to me that they should have moved the ball up to where it went out of bounds (which was clearly visible on replay) and then measured, however there was no measurement?

As far as the game, I have watched it at least 7 times, watched the NFL films video twice and the sound FX show 3 times. I just love it all!!


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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7-8 times already, plus the Fx sound effects version. Than I decided to restart the season and have been watching week one onward. (up to week 6) Can't get enough of Percy harvin runaround, kickoff and Sherman's Good Lord its Percy. Only thing I still can't get my head around and most likely never will is how that was not a first down when Wilson put the ball out before running out of bounds. Seems like I have seen that play a 1000 times be called a first, but not there. And than they admit it was wrong but not a first and still take our timeout. (I thought it they where wrong you got to keep the timeout period.) O well still loving the game.

I'm not sure what the rules allow, but I recall PC requesting the challenge by saying something to the effect of challenging the spot with respect of the line to gain. You may not be able to challenge just any old spot, so it has to be across a first down marker or goalline I imagine. In that case, we lost since they said the ball did not make it all the way to the line to gain.


Fuck off!
Apr 26, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Is the SB DVD out yet that the NFL releases? They typically set it all up by going through all the regular season and playoff games that lead up to the SB.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Is the SB DVD out yet that the NFL releases? They typically set it all up by going through all the regular season and playoff games that lead up to the SB.

Yes, that's one of the things they have been talking about in this thread. The NFL presents BluRay that covers the entire season and the SB. I've watched that twice and watched various forms of the SB game itself at least 2-3 times.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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As well as many viewings of Rain City Redemption Episodes 1-3 and awaiting episode 48 at the end of the summer.