I'm just here to troll everyone
I blame Heathbar...ever since he declared Lopez the most critical Giant, he's been so-so.
I kid. I kid. Kinda.
I kid. I kid. Kinda.
Braves came in and were better, now Florida.
It's still May, but yecch
It's a valid point.
These are the teams the Giants should be battling against. Barometer games
I know, was just being round, which you knew.
If they don't get the miracle bomb tonight that's a 54 team HRs pace.
I don't know, they are battling and it's still May and they are injured.
Barometer game to me is close to Nolany pantshatting about how teams 'don't come back from games like this'. Giants lost some barometer games last August, and it didn't end up mattering.
Well, you play with fire (pitching behind) you are gonna get burned.
I'm out fellas.
yeah like dropping 3 out of 4 in Atlanta last year.
Just shows that with injuries, they're still a good enough team to beat most teams. That's how I'm reading it - nothing drastic