I'm just here to troll everyone
It is fast getting to the stage where I would actually hate to see him taking playing time away from Nate or Belt.
Except now Nate is hurt...

It is fast getting to the stage where I would actually hate to see him taking playing time away from Nate or Belt.
I was, however, a little annoyed by Beltran telling Amy G he wasn't 100% three separate times in his 1:30sec interview.
I was, however, a little annoyed by Beltran telling Amy G he wasn't 100% three separate times in his 1:30sec interview.
"Hi. I'm Carlos Beltranny. I've been hurt lately! No, Seriously, I am!"
It is fast getting to the stage where I would actually hate to see him taking playing time away from Nate or Belt.
I know he made a stoopid play in the OF but he did hit a dong. And we all know we need more dongs from this team.![]()
You ever seen a baby giraffe run? Or an adult giraffe for that matter? Maybe not the best nickname but it makes me laugh just thinking about it
Yeah, "just letting you know what a gamer I am".
Anyone notice we have to kinda start worrying about Colorado again?
Not really hating on Carlos just really enjoying Belt (and Nate) and am yet to develop any man love for CB
I was out, and unable to watch the game, but I was in the car, listening to the Maxi's radio broadcast during Timmeh's 7th inning AB.
I was thinking at the time that it actually made sense to bat him for a few reasons...
1) Who do we have on the bench that can hit better than a pitcher anyway?
2) who do we have in the pen right now that can throw better than an exhausted Timmeh?
I believe the answer to both of those questions is "nobody". Soon the surface, I liked the move, even at the time.
However, I have occurred to me since, that maybe something else was at play. What if Timmeh basically told Noggin, "fuck off, I am not leaving this game. I WILL get this win tonight."
Reminds me of the Phillie game when he stranded the leadoff hitter at 3rd and screamed at him "STAY THERE" when he left the mound after striking out the 3rd out.
THAT is a situation where the win stat is NOT BS.
Great post, and your example may be true. Another reason we typists have to realize the manager has 100x more insight into what's going on. If Timmy told Bochy "I got this", kudos to Noggin for correctly applying something other than numbers to the situation.
That said, on point 1) Tim is really struggling with the bat. We did have Chez3 and others on the bench. And Tim's 'hit' was let's face it a lucky bounce, helped by a defense thinking bunt.
And on point 2): FYWW is depleted but still has tons of talent, as Casilla proved last night. Man he looked like a closer (for that SSS).
Thanks for the reminder on the bolded part. That was so awesome. I guess he didn't have fear and panic in his eyes that day.