Huge member least this is rock bottom. Can't go lower
COL and TEX beg to differ. least this is rock bottom. Can't go lower
For me, it seems we're not going to win the division. I felt it was too early to say that in early July, and it was. But we've played a lot since then, made our moves (just Peavy, which just replaced a cog didn't improve the team), and still have major injuries.
But when the season started I don't think many people thought we were going to win the division. We are still VERY much in the wild card race. Obviously we can't play as bad as this week. But just as we aren't as good as we were the first 2 months, we aren't this bad. I think our disappointment is higher that it would have been, because of the first 2 months mirage. In fact the heightened disappointment was so bad that tzill literally couldn't handle it (he's gone for good now it seems...dude takes all this WAY too seriously)
We think we suck. We don't suck. We do suck compared to the first 2 months team. Vs the other wild card contenders? We're equally flawed.
Now once we're in the playoffs the usual 'anything can happen' stuff is in play. We will likely be the lowest-odds playoff team, or 2nd lowest. Dodgers, As, Tigers have the pitching to win the WS. But the crapshoot thing is a real thing. If this rickety pile of hackers wins a playoff series (not the WC game) I will consider it a VERY successful year.
Cheer up guys! It could be 2009, sucking while STILL not knowing if you'd ever see a victory parade in SF. We got two!
— I was stunned when I did my recap of June (July is coming soon!) and noticed that the Giants only stole three bases in June. Two Royals — Steve Nori Aoki and Jarrod Dyson — matched that total today. The Giants stole seven bases in July. The Royals team matched that total today. The Giants had one stolen base this month before Gregor Blanco inexplicably took off for third in the ninth inning.
If you’re not running, and you’re not hitting for power and you’re not getting clutch hits … well, that pretty much explains the past two months, doesn’t it?