Well-Known Member
The timing between QB and WR has to be near perfect on deep vertical routes. Obviously, when you throw the ball 40-50 yds in the air, it is difficult to hit the receiver in stride every time.
Watch any game… watch any QB…. balls are thrown short… thrown long…. all the time. WR's have to adjust to make the play…
I made that comment to slaton10 during the Okie St game. Everybody loves their QB…Randolf. How accurate was he on the deep vertical? How many receptions were made against great coverage because their WR's fought for the ball?
What Dana wants his WR's to do is fight harder for the ball. Once they do… they start looking like the next greatest thing. Think of the difference between Kevin White's first and second year. One of Dana's repeated comments about Kevin was that he needed to play big… to go get the ball.
I think BBW summary is is the difference maker between a real Pro preospect QB and a College QB for life QB...I agee to some extent about fighting for the ball...but IMHO if my reciever, who knows where is going and can run a 4.2 forty vs a CB who has to guess the route and runs a 4.4 forty the QB all he has to do is read the safety and then throw the ball as hard and as far as he can to let the guy run under it!!