How about that little girl. What's her name?
She was only in a few episodes. A good character but not a main one
How about that little girl. What's her name?
You are such a whiny bitch.
I'm sorry I made fun of your precious show, fanboy.
Tell me, how many GoT bumper stickers are on your shitmobile?
It's your incessant whining that's the issue dumbass. At least you still have:
It's a thread for discussing the show, and that's what I'm doing. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings. Maybe the internets isn't such a great place for you.
Sunday's episode sucked balls on multiple levels. From the writing to the production and most points in between were crap.
Now go be a fag somewhere else.
Sure, but that just made the Valyrian steel stab to the gut death make no sense.
I get that we already know that Valyrian steel kills White Walkers, but the reason it works is because it's steel forged with dragon fire.
They already established the Night King can control the weather in some way. He could have put up some sort of frost shield or something and that wouldn't have caused this contradiction. But he just stood there and took it. Maybe that dragon fire burned that little slit in his armor just big enough for a the dagger to get through.
Knight King
Only ones happy about this are the half-witted fanboys.
Same thing happened when The Walking Dead jumped the shark - most people realized it had turned to shit, but the fucking dorks with Daryl bumper stickers still thought it was badass.
So how come it takes you so long to arrive at the 'this show is shit!' conclusion?
Poor Slinky...
Even if we accept that all of the main characters have plot armor now for some reason, where is the plot subversion now? Part of what made this show great was that until Ramsey, you didn't have anyone both powerful and purely evil. Joffrey was evil and was murdered in his teens before he could really use his power (Tywin was the actual person in charge of the seven kingdoms during Joffrey's reign). The mountain was evil, but he's just a pawn. Tywin was the main adversary, and he was ruthless, but he wasn't a purely evil character.
Now the night king is basically acomic book villain who just wants to destroy the world because reasons. Last night was as generic "good" vs "evil" as it gets, complete with the bad guys having a single point of failure that they for some reason expose, and a last second save by the good guys.
I haven't really thought this out but how many "main" characters or impactful deaths actually happen in major battles? We all theorized they'd off a bunch here but it seems like most of those types of character deaths happen in other ways where its more surprising. Like its been plotted out in a conniving way (Red Wedding, Joffrey's poisoning, the Night's Watch killing Jon). The "two sides line up in battle, characters die" hasn't really happened much. What I'm getting at is maybe we expecting deaths in the Battle of Winterfell was misplaced. We were always much more likely to get them as the final plotting for the Throne plays out
Heh, you're not slow. You're just the biggest butthurt fanboy in the thread.
Maybe the butthurt is why you had a watery shit this morning.
You're just the biggest butthurt fanboy in the thread.