Iron Duke
Jon Sand
Beat me to it.
Jon Sand
I think all that was really said between Cersei and Tyrion was that Tyrion told her to just go out there and say she agrees to the detente/alliance.
That it was more important that Dany and Jon defeat the Night King, and that they wouldn't be able to do that with Cersei hanging over their head. So Tyrion told her to lie to them, and that in the end whatever force is victorious comes out weaker. Which is good for her and her baby.
It technically counts as a betrayal, but Tyrion did it for the good of the living, which is more important than Dany's ambitions.
For Cersei, she can hope all three dragons are dead, and that Dany wins but with only a fraction of her forces left.
Worse comes to worse, she can just flee to Essos.
Well, it made the scene with Jaime better.Certainly plausible, but it would have taken 30 seconds more of the conversation to clear this up, so I think the omission speaks louder... Guess we'll see.... Like.... In a year or two?![]()
Imagine how quickly Tyrion's head would have come off if Cersei wasn't pregnant and just gaining a bit of weight.The reference to her pregnancy, had me partially thinking he played that up to Cersei, "your heir will never sit on the throne if we are all dead"
But than again, there is no softer side of Cersei that you can play to
Sucks that they are going to make Tyrion a villain of sorts.
Clearly, they were very ham handed with the foreshadowing that a Cersei/Tyrion alliance happened off-screen.
Tyrion beat the viewers over the head with a hammer at least 3 times about (loving the children, regretting the deaths of the children, greatest pain, wishing he could do it over again).
But, i expect he will double-double-cross Cersei at the end and become a hero again.
He will probably wait until the child is born.
Bittersweet would be Bran being the Night's King and Jon having to kill him, or sacrificing himself to kill him to help the others.
Overall not a bad episode, but there wasn't really anything unexpected, or at least unpredictable in it. You knew the final scene would be the wall coming down and the ice dragon would be the cause. Little finger wasn't a surprise as Sansa has tipped her hand at not trusting him more than once. Jaime leaving might not have been expected, but is a minor element. Jon and dany hooking up was predicted and pushed for a few episodes. We already knew who his daddy was and that he wasn't a bastard.
And now the long winter before the series wraps up.
Remember Baelish threatened Lord Royce with death using Robyn as a weapon.... it would make sense that they would quickly choose Lady Stark over Littlefinger.Anyway the King's Landing stuff was mostly good. The Euron running away and then really not running away was at least kind of surprising but it does make you wonder how they planned the whole thing. Did Cersei know that they were going to be shown a zombie or something fucky? It seemed like they were only expecting a call for a truce....... but was it also planned that Euron would run away at some point? IDK.
The Arya/Sansa stuff...oh boy. I guess the implication here is that Sansa figured out Littlefinger due to the "assume the worst" game. Then she asked Bran to look into it and he confirmed. Okay. But Bran can see everything, he saw "chaos is a ladder" so you would think he would have seen "I did warn you not to trust me" at that point also. So from that we can infer that Bran either knew Littlefinger betrayed Ned and didn't say anything, or he didn't know and chose not to look into Littlefinger after learning that he was a treacherous behind-the-scenes conniver. Both options seem odd.
The death of Littlefinger itself was okay (Littlefinger is basically useless at this point so his death made sense) but it raises even more questions. Arya was mad at Sansa for "betraying her family" or whatever. Sure, but Littlefinger getting the note to Arya to try to cause a dispute doesn't change the fact that Sansa still did what Arya thought she did. Why isn't she still upset? Keeping the pack strong I guess? But that logic didn't work on her before.
And furthermore, Sansa just revealed that she's known that Littlefinger killed Lysa and Jon Aryn for god knows how long now. If the Vale lords are okay with just offing Baelish it seems like they would be either:
1) Mad at Sansa for not revealing this information until just now
2) Suspicious of Sansa because she and Baelish were the only people in the room when Lysa died.
Either way they're no longer sworn to help the North and it seems logical that they'd GTFO unless some other evidence comes to light.
I did enjoy the showrunners in the behind the episode with their talk about "This show kills off people all the time! People didn't know if Sansa was going to kill Arya or vice versa!" LOL, yeah we were are really worried one of them was going to get offed.
Also JK about stopping being a faggot. I'm gonna keep bitching.
heard 6, with most being "feature Length"... like 80 mins+how long will the final season be? Like 5 episodes?
Yeah, I guess the "cliff hangers" are more subtle here, but still intriguing.
Numero Uno on my list is, How do both John AND Daenarys react to the news of who John really is?
Does John take on the responsibility of being the true heir to the Iron Throne? Will Dany renounce her claim? I can imagine after spending all of this time with the belief that the throne is her right, to find out that in fact it isn't might be a tough pill to swallow...
Of course the easy way out is if John and Daenarys get hitched anyway...
Question though... How does John not have blond hair? Lyanna's darker hair the dominant trait in Westeros genetics I guess?
Honestly, for me I wouldn't like all that. I have to say that through seven seasons now, it is the political intrigue of Westeros that really intrigues me more than the Living vs. the Dead and all that, so an ultimate ending that is tied THAT close with the Night King would kinda bug me...
heard 6, with most being "feature Length"... like 80 mins+
I wouldn't call those cliffhangers. Even the questions about Tyrion and his loyalties. They are plot lines moving forward for sure.
Jaime will end up banging bri at some point. That's one scene they can simply suggest without graphically showing it.
Feels like they are paving the way for Dany to be expendable IMO. Jon can easily take over the dragon master role once he knows he has that power. Maybe Tyrion does betray her and leads to her death. Maybe she dies in child birth with jons kid. Or she once again is reckless in battle and ends up dying on the front. I just don't see her as an end game character anymore.
if anything, they should have retained the purple eye traits that the Targaryens had in the books. It doesn't mean they are dominant, so Jon may not have them since the Stark's are generally darker.I don't think they've ever touched on this in the show, but they have talked about Targ hair in the books. Not ALL of the Targ's ended up with the platinum blond hair (I don't remember the specific examples, but I remember there were some). The Targ kings of course had a predilection for marrying their sisters, but not all of them did. And those that didn't had kids that did not have the silver hair sometimes. Long story short: not all Targs had the silver hair.