Technically, Jon Snow died so his watch is over. Did they say the words over his body? I wonder if GRRM is going to go that same route in the books since he hasn't been raised yet there.Kings appear to have the ability to get them out of that duty. Stannis tried to do it with Jon earlier.
And when Jon finally got out, it was more of a loophole.
Also, I don't think that was papa Tarly burning anyway. Just a random bald guy.
He's not some extra, his death would be a bit more in focus than just someone burning while other action is taking place.
Maybe in the end, when there is no more need for a Night's Watch, Samwell goes home. He's gotta get his Samwise ending somehow.
I don't know what Sam is going to do, but I can't see him going back to the Wall
I'd bet Old Man Tarly goes down and a much more reasonable Dickon takes over. Sam won't be going back there except maybe to make peace with his family.