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Game 6 GDT delayed Warriors vs Nuggets


Oct 30, 2010
McCovey Cove
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So, Steph didn't have that blowout game but his outside shooting was back for around 9 minutes or so in the second half. He made some costly turnovers: I believe he committed one under the basket when Lawson did the layup in Denver's ferocious comeback and another one where he sailed a pass over Bogut's hands - otherwise that was a dunk.

This wasn't a pretty game by the Warriors' standards, but it was a solid team performance. Green and Barnes were magnificent, Klay really needs to work on his dribbling during the offseason, Jack shouldn't be running an offense anymore, Bogut is straight up on beast mode, and Lee has major heart. This team made a lot of crucial mistakes towards the end, but you learn when you get a chance to progress and that's what this young team is learning.

Should be fun when Lee and Rush come back fully healthy next year. Best part of the game: the comradery at the end esp. with Igoudala and Steph exchanging pleasantries. Truly classy on Igoudala's part.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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The Warriors were able to eek out a win with their guys basically not all playing to the same level. That won't work against the Spurs. The Warriors have already far exceeded my expectations and anything else from here on out is gravy.

There were games where Steph carried the team. Times where Klay's shooting kept us close. Bogut was the reason we won yesterday. Draymond Green and Barnes were hit or miss. If we're to compete with the Spurs at the highest level, we need everyone on the team to be clicking all at once.

As for Jack, he had a horrid game. That being said I still trust the ball in his hands going forward. We've all see how brilliant he can be, but also he gets brain farts from time to time. Jackson has to be the one to bring him back to the bench to settle him instead of giving him a super long leash. He's a veteran and it's not going to kill his confidence to sit him down for a few minutes and let him gather himself. If we had lost yesterday because of Jack's play, I would have equally blamed Jackson for not getting him out of the game.

All the negative aside, I'm completely shocked at how well we have come together as a team. The guys truly pull for one another and the chemistry is evident. Bogut has peaked at just the right time. Curry has brought it every game. Can't wait for the next series!


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Dubs won their series but I don't have the normal reaction of elation and happiness. More like disgust, embarrassment and incredulity that a team could play so badly in the 4th quarter. It was a complete collapse. Not only could they not make a shot, they couldn't even get a shot, couldn't even get the ball in bounds! They let Denver come back from an 18-point deficit in just 5 minutes and then held on for a lucky victory. I was so effin' pissed!

It was sickening to listen to Mark Jackson post game talking about his team's toughness and will to win. He said "Thank goodness we are a defensive minded team". I almost laughed out loud. News flash for Jackson; your team sucks at defense and saying "we are a defensive minded team" doesn't make it so.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Dubs won their series but I don't have the normal reaction of elation and happiness. More like disgust, embarrassment and incredulity that a team could play so badly in the 4th quarter. It was a complete collapse. Not only could they not make a shot, they couldn't even get a shot, couldn't even get the ball in bounds! They let Denver come back from an 18-point deficit in just 5 minutes and then held on for a lucky victory. I was so effin' pissed!

It was sickening to listen to Mark Jackson post game talking about his team's toughness and will to win. He said "Thank goodness we are a defensive minded team". I almost laughed out loud. News flash for Jackson; your team sucks at defense and saying "we are a defensive minded team" doesn't make it so.

1) The Warriors played fantastic defense yesterday. Even though the Warriors ended up getting killed on the boards early, they ended the game with a 55-44 rebounding advantage. They also held the Nuggets to 34.7% FG percentage and 25% from 3 point range. They also held a team that averaged 106 points per game to 88. What do you mean they played terrible on defense?

2) The Warriors played terrible down the stretch. There's absolutely no denying this. However you feel disgusted after the win? For a guy who said after Game 1 that the Warriors had no chance at all to win the series, you would think as a fan you might be more enthused about a series win. Of course it wasn't pretty. This is a young, inexperienced team. You take the good with the bad.

3) No one expected the Warriors to make the playoffs. They did. No one expected the Warriors to win the series. They did. Their chances of winning further diminished when David Lee was injured and absolutely no one gave them a shot of winning. Of course they did. And all you feel is disgust and embarassment?

You've said that Bob Myers should be fired for trading Monta for Bogut. You've said that Bogut would never play again this season. You said that this organization is terribly run. You said this team wouldn't make the playoffs. Then when in the playoffs you said they'll win easily. Then after a close game 1 loss, you say they're done and might win 1 meaningless game at home.



I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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1) The Warriors played fantastic defense yesterday. Even though the Warriors ended up getting killed on the boards early, they ended the game with a 55-44 rebounding advantage. They also held the Nuggets to 34.7% FG percentage and 25% from 3 point range. They also held a team that averaged 106 points per game to 88. What do you mean they played terrible on defense?

2) The Warriors played terrible down the stretch. There's absolutely no denying this. However you feel disgusted after the win? For a guy who said after Game 1 that the Warriors had no chance at all to win the series, you would think as a fan you might be more enthused about a series win. Of course it wasn't pretty. This is a young, inexperienced team. You take the good with the bad.

3) No one expected the Warriors to make the playoffs. They did. No one expected the Warriors to win the series. They did. Their chances of winning further diminished when David Lee was injured and absolutely no one gave them a shot of winning. Of course they did. And all you feel is disgust and embarassment?

You've said that Bob Myers should be fired for trading Monta for Bogut. You've said that Bogut would never play again this season. You said that this organization is terribly run. You said this team wouldn't make the playoffs. Then when in the playoffs you said they'll win easily. Then after a close game 1 loss, you say they're done and might win 1 meaningless game at home.

When will you realize this jerk isn't worth the pixels you waste on him? Even I forget sometimes, because he's a really good troll. He is a sad guy, who trolls sports boards to try to make everyone else around him sad too.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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When will you realize this jerk isn't worth the pixels you waste on him? Even I forget sometimes, because he's a really good troll. He is a sad guy, who trolls sports boards to try to make everyone else around him sad too.

I have realized it, I just wanted to make a point for any passing viewers that the Warriors are surpassing expectations and should be given credit for it. It wasn't so much as a response to all his negative posting as showing that the Warriors have overcome a lot of adversity. He isn't the only one out there who feels the way he does (or portrays to feel).


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Mar 13, 2012
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1) The Warriors played fantastic defense yesterday. Even though the Warriors ended up getting killed on the boards early, they ended the game with a 55-44 rebounding advantage. They also held the Nuggets to 34.7% FG percentage and 25% from 3 point range. They also held a team that averaged 106 points per game to 88. What do you mean they played terrible on defense?

2) The Warriors played terrible down the stretch. There's absolutely no denying this. However you feel disgusted after the win? For a guy who said after Game 1 that the Warriors had no chance at all to win the series, you would think as a fan you might be more enthused about a series win. Of course it wasn't pretty. This is a young, inexperienced team. You take the good with the bad.

3) No one expected the Warriors to make the playoffs. They did. No one expected the Warriors to win the series. They did. Their chances of winning further diminished when David Lee was injured and absolutely no one gave them a shot of winning. Of course they did. And all you feel is disgust and embarassment?

You've said that Bob Myers should be fired for trading Monta for Bogut. You've said that Bogut would never play again this season. You said that this organization is terribly run. You said this team wouldn't make the playoffs. Then when in the playoffs you said they'll win easily. Then after a close game 1 loss, you say they're done and might win 1 meaningless game at home.


I didn't realize that. Every time I turned around Denver was getting second chance shots, but it definitely wasn't the Warrior defense it was poor shooting on wide opn plays by Denver.
I'm starting to think old Bob knew what he was doing. Bogut made a huge difference last night even though he is not close to the player he once was. I see now that he had to make room for Curry. One disturbing trend I noticed about Curry though is that when Ronnie Brewer was on him he was shut down. A long defender really seems to bother Curry. Put Lawson or the Ancient One on him and Curry went off.

We disagree about David Lee. The Warriors move the ball and get everyone more involved when Lee is out. Did you notice Barnes and especially Green? I think the Warriors might be stronger with a little less David Lee.


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Mar 13, 2012
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2) The Warriors played terrible down the stretch. There's absolutely no denying this. However you feel disgusted after the win?

3) No one expected the Warriors to make the playoffs. They did. No one expected the Warriors to win the series. They did. Their chances of winning further diminished when David Lee was injured and absolutely no one gave them a shot of winning. Of course they did. And all you feel is disgust and embarassment?

The disgraceful team-wide choke job (except for Draymon Gren) took a lot of the joy out of it. My first feeling after winning was not elation as it should be after a series win; it was disgust at the choking performance in the 4th quarter. I don't know what else to tell you.


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Mar 13, 2012
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When will you realize this jerk isn't worth the pixels you waste on him? Even I forget sometimes, because he's a really good troll. He is a sad guy, who trolls sports boards to try to make everyone else around him sad too.

Down Fifi, down girl!


Senioritis Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I didn't realize that. Every time I turned around Denver was getting second chance shots, but it definitely wasn't the Warrior defense it was poor shooting on wide opn plays by Denver.
I'm starting to think old Bob knew what he was doing. Bogut made a huge difference last night even though he is not close to the player he once was. I see now that he had to make room for Curry. One disturbing trend I noticed about Curry though is that when Corey Brewer was on him he was shut down. A long defender really seems to bother Curry. Put Lawson or the Ancient One on him and Curry went off.

We disagree about David Lee. The Warriors move the ball and get everyone more involved when Lee is out. Did you notice Barnes and especially Green? I think the Warriors might be stronger with a little less David Lee.

FIFY, guy who is analyzing the dynamics of an NBA game.


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Sep 21, 2010
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I was skeptical of the Mark Jackson hire because he had no prior coaching experience, but obviously the guy is getting it done. Congrats to him. It's fabulous that we have two rookies already playing so well. They should get even better. Finally, I'm excited to finally have a strong inside presence in Bogut. The guy is for sure a difference maker in the paint. It's definitely gonna be tough against the Spurs, but now that we have a good big man, we at least have a chance.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I was skeptical of the Mark Jackson hire because he had no prior coaching experience, but obviously the guy is getting it done. Congrats to him. It's fabulous that we have two rookies already playing so well. They should get even better. Finally, I'm excited to finally have a strong inside presence in Bogut. The guy is for sure a difference maker in the paint. It's definitely gonna be tough against the Spurs, but now that we have a good big man, we at least have a chance.

I have been vocally harsh Jackson's coaching, but agree he's done a phenomenal job this series (minus my many gripes with the game last night). Jackson made all the right adjustments to the Nuggets and made them counter to us. I believe his inexperience showed immensely last game, but I have more faith in him going forward. Still hoping to see him grow as a coach, as much as I hope to see the players develop.


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Sep 21, 2010
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I have been vocally harsh Jackson's coaching, but agree he's done a phenomenal job this series (minus my many gripes with the game last night). Jackson made all the right adjustments to the Nuggets and made them counter to us. I believe his inexperience showed immensely last game, but I have more faith in him going forward. Still hoping to see him grow as a coach, as much as I hope to see the players develop.

If nothing else, Jackson seems to be a great motivator and brings out toughness in our guys.


Senioritis Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I have been vocally harsh Jackson's coaching, but agree he's done a phenomenal job this series (minus my many gripes with the game last night). Jackson made all the right adjustments to the Nuggets and made them counter to us. I believe his inexperience showed immensely last game, but I have more faith in him going forward. Still hoping to see him grow as a coach, as much as I hope to see the players develop.

The 3-2 zone switch-ups and taking on the fine to attempt to gain an advantage with the refs impressed me. It embodies the type of coach he is. Devise a way to take away a team's best asset, and if an extra push is needed, take on a fine.

I think a lot of my early complaints with him were because he was still seeing what he had and played things conservatively. Now, that he'll have a little more job security, I'm excited to see more of what he thinks best fits the personnel.

EDIT: His great match-up decisions have just been icing on the cake.


Oct 30, 2010
McCovey Cove
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The Warriors were able to eek out a win with their guys basically not all playing to the same level. That won't work against the Spurs. The Warriors have already far exceeded my expectations and anything else from here on out is gravy.

There were games where Steph carried the team. Times where Klay's shooting kept us close. Bogut was the reason we won yesterday. Draymond Green and Barnes were hit or miss. If we're to compete with the Spurs at the highest level, we need everyone on the team to be clicking all at once.

As for Jack, he had a horrid game. That being said I still trust the ball in his hands going forward. We've all see how brilliant he can be, but also he gets brain farts from time to time. Jackson has to be the one to bring him back to the bench to settle him instead of giving him a super long leash. He's a veteran and it's not going to kill his confidence to sit him down for a few minutes and let him gather himself. If we had lost yesterday because of Jack's play, I would have equally blamed Jackson for not getting him out of the game.

All the negative aside, I'm completely shocked at how well we have come together as a team. The guys truly pull for one another and the chemistry is evident. Bogut has peaked at just the right time. Curry has brought it every game. Can't wait for the next series!

Have to respectfully disagree. Jack missed a key free throw and made crucial TO's in the game. I like him as someone who can ballhandle and take the ball away from Curry to prevent the defense from locking down on the Human Torch. However, I just don't know if you can trust him at this point - Barnett said during game 6 that the Dubbs need to run the offense and take the ball away from his hands. While he still has some playmaking ability left, I just don't trust this guy.

As I write this, the Dubbs have a major brain fart leaving Ginobili wide open for that 3. If the Warriors fall on this one, the emotions of losing a game you should have had can be too much for this team. This is the value of an experienced team whose core has won 4 titles to an up and coming team that lacks in the closing out a team department.