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Free Agent Predictions


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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If either Timmy or Manu retires, I expect one of ALDRIDGE/GASOL to maybe sign with SA.
The SPURS are hoarding a ton of cash...and Manu/Timmy will make it even larger.

Gasol is the typical Euro player SA loves.
He fits the SA international culture, but I am not sure he wants to leave the only home he has known since a kid.

Aldridge is from Texas. He lives there and wants to play for a Texas team as an intriguing idea.
Dallas will also have a massive hoard of cash. Houston has none.
But, he seems to prefer either San Antonio or Portland as a destination.

25% chance Gasol.
50% chance Aldridge.

But, if both Manu/Timmy come back, the Spurs are likely to get neither player.

If the Spurs replace TD with LA... the rest of the league should just take their ball and go home.

Just kidding, but that would be amazing.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Hey, Sting.....

The other question we should be asking is:

Which GM is gonna lose his job because he believed the 3 month hype about Brook Lopez, instead of looking at his 5 year career of sitting on the sidelines in bubble wrap?

The guy is uber talented offensively.

But, any Team that gives him a max deal, for more than 2 Seasons, deserves everything they get.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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definitely agree here...

imho the needs are starting 3 and 5. don't get me wrong, Hill can play his ass off, but he's hardly an elite center. and we've been weak at SF for quite a while now. that's where i'd start anyhow...

I always get the franchise guys stuck in my head. So, what good free agent SF's are out there this summer?

Nevermind, Tobias.

Center won't be a problem, unless you land a top 2 pick.

Would you want to sign a Center to a max deal and draft Okafor/Towns?

Towns will need time. But, Okafor is ready to go.

The Lakers should draft Mudiay.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 69,974.00
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Draymond Green- Pistons

This would be awesome for the Pistons fans. He's a Michigan State guy that plays a Pistons style of basketball. Unfortunately, I don't see Golden State letting him walk, and there are likely more attractive suitors if he does. But Draymond, come home!! I'd love to see a lineup of Jackson/Jennings (they need to make a decision this off season, they can't keep both happy), KCP, Green, Monroe (please stay Greg), and Drummond.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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The Lakers will foolishly overpay Rondo and I'm gonna be hella pissed. That's right. So pissed that I use the word "hella" like its the late 90s again.

Hella pissed is right. I wouldn't even want to underpay him. A little bit of me will die inside if the Lakers sign Rondo.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Hella pissed is right. I wouldn't even want to underpay him. A little bit of me will die inside if the Lakers sign Rondo.

Here's a question: If you are the Knicks or Lakers brass and you get the #1 or #2 pick in the draft, would you trade it for Cousins?

That situation in Sacto has divorce written all over it.

I think DMC is better than Towns/Okafor when they reach their primes.

Plus, he already hates the Clippers. So, bonus!

Then signing Rondo wouldn't look so bad.

When Karl took over, one of the major questions was how the sixth winningest coach in NBA history would mesh with first time All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins. “I’ve had some great players and I’ve never had one player that I have said is untradeable,” Karl added. “You always got to be ready for the possibility of a great trade that could come your way. “


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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This FA period is going to be nutty. There is little to no incentive for any FA to sign more than a 1 year deal unless they get a max offer..

For instance a guy like Rondo is not going to get a max offer. So for him it means he will have to sign a 1 year deal if he wants to maximize his career earnings. So he might take a little less on a 1 year deal from a place he really wants to go in order for that team to own his bird right's next offseason.

But oddly enough the opposite is also true. He could take a 1 year offer from a team he thinks has the best chance to compete in 2015 knowing that in 2016 virtually every team in the league will be in a position to fit him in under their cap.

It would be a really odd year to be a player's agent and advising them on what is best for them long term because there are a lot of different strategies in play that normally don't exist.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Here's a question: If you are the Knicks or Lakers brass and you get the #1 or #2 pick in the draft, would you trade it for Cousins?

That situation in Sacto has divorce written all over it.

I think DMC is better than Towns/Okafor when they reach their primes.

Plus, he already hates the Clippers. So, bonus!

Then signing Rondo wouldn't look so bad.

When Karl took over, one of the major questions was how the sixth winningest coach in NBA history would mesh with first time All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins. “I’ve had some great players and I’ve never had one player that I have said is untradeable,” Karl added. “You always got to be ready for the possibility of a great trade that could come your way. “

I would consider trading the #5 pick for Cousins. It seems like there is a consensus top 4 picks. #5 not so much. I don't watch college ball, so I don't know too much about the draft class.

Cousins will be 25 going into next season. He is still very young. A Cousins/Randle frontcourt could be devastating. The problem trading for Cousins is that is takes away their cap room to sign a max free agent. With Kobe, Cousins, and Randle, the payroll is already at $43.9 mil. Add Young's and Kelly's guaranteed contracts plus cap holds/non-guaranteed contracts, cap room for a max free agent is gone. Cousins does have a pretty friendly contract for the next few years considering the production he'll give you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Here's a question: If you are the Knicks or Lakers brass and you get the #1 or #2 pick in the draft, would you trade it for Cousins?

That situation in Sacto has divorce written all over it.

I think DMC is better than Towns/Okafor when they reach their primes.

Plus, he already hates the Clippers. So, bonus!

Then signing Rondo wouldn't look so bad.

When Karl took over, one of the major questions was how the sixth winningest coach in NBA history would mesh with first time All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins. “I’ve had some great players and I’ve never had one player that I have said is untradeable,” Karl added. “You always got to be ready for the possibility of a great trade that could come your way. “

#1 or 2? No. I think Towns and Okafor can be as good as Cousins in a year or two. They come a lot cheaper and LA needs to keep as much space available for 2016


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 811.96
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Hey, Sting.....

The other question we should be asking is:

Which GM is gonna lose his job because he believed the 3 month hype about Brook Lopez, instead of looking at his 5 year career of sitting on the sidelines in bubble wrap?

The guy is uber talented offensively.

But, any Team that gives him a max deal, for more than 2 Seasons, deserves everything they get.

Yeah, some idiotic team will give him a big deal (OR maybe he takes a 1 year deal for a lot of money to play up his value going into the next offseason with the higher salary cap situation. Would be risky since he's injury prone, though. Things are going to be very weird this summer.

Hard to predict… I think a lot of players are going to want 1 year deals.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
If the Spurs replace TD with LA... the rest of the league should just take their ball and go home.

Just kidding, but that would be amazing.

Posted this several months ago