Unreliable Narrator.
My congressman so wants to be that guy too. Or one of them. He met with a "scientist" who talks of a 'black violent gene' and backs Trump at every option. As a doctor he downplayed Covid. And he had Pence autograph the tax cut bill.Whats the difference between LIBERATE MICHIGAN and what he did yesterday???
He cant pull them any more votes from the racists/fascists in the near term
they all figure they need to pivot back to the republican party but i think its too late ... thats the trump party now
and a young fascist guy like Hawley saw that yesterday and wants to be “their”new My congressman so wants to be that gut too.
And yesterday -
Md. Rep. Andy Harris Reportedly Involved in Scuffle on House Floor
Maryland Congressman Andy Harris was reportedly involved in a scuffle on the House floor early Thursday.