Detroit Born and Raised
@ PhillyPhaithful...
To some degree, you are right, I believe....true enforcers, or the "thug on skates" no longer has a place in the league.
Just look at what happened to alot of those guys post NHL lock out of 2005. What with the removal of alot of the clutching and grabbing, and more emphasis on hockey ability, unless the enforcer in question had any kind of hockey skills, he no longer had a job with an NHL team.
I support two teams in the NHL: The Lightning and the Wild. Both of these teams put an emphasis on skill and the play, rather than beating up the opposition.
The Lightning do have Steve Downie, whom many dump on because of his past, but Downie is really a talented player, and I give him credit for doing less of the crap barbaric stuff, and more of the skillful stuff...though he certainly can be counted on to stand up for teammates.
And the Wild have Brad Staubitz, who while more of an enforcer than Downie (Downie is more a middle weight....not your classical enforcer), Staubitz still has hockey skills, albeit, he is more a third or fourth liner skills guy.
And while teams like Tampa Bay win with their skill rather than by 'beating on opposing teams', seems to me that when they play a team that DOES go the Neanderthal route, so called "experts" always seem to say..."Well, Tampa just has to get tougher"....hmmm...sounds like talking out of both sides of their heads by some people, eh?
But back to your original point...Yes, guys like Probert, McSorely, Mythres, Debrusk, Poeschek, and Ciccone probably would NOT get a job in today's NHL, simply because they just do not have the hockey skills to offset their fists. I think the New Age Enforcer is one who can play the game, but still has the qualities of being able to put fear into those that would take liberties with their teams' star players.
As long as you have skilled players with skates and sticks racing around at a high rate of speed and checking each other, you need fighting. The league has to monitor it case by case.
As for Probert he was a hockey player before he was a fighter. He had excellent hockey skills. I can't speak for the others ... Red Wing fan.