Never go full Husky
I just posted about this on the other thread, but I don't think they know what the fuck they're doing in terms of generating revenue:
Mariners bring back the Ballpark Pass, but miss the mark
I'd actually consider subscribing to this if it had actual seats. With attendance about to plummet, a ballpark pass could be a good way of getting butts in seats. I run into people I know quite frequently at the Pen, and it's a good idea, but you really can't even watch the game from there or even get a beer without a ridiculously long wait.
I'll be interested to see if people buy into the Kings Court thing anymore. Felix is just so bad now I can't imagine there being all that much enthusiasm for it.
Ya, that’s highly dumb that they, just like the Seattle City Council/NHL think that the Seattle sports fan lives within a 5 mile radius with how they calculate things. It seems they should be more Miami Marlin oriented with the fact they have wasted nearly an entire generation of fans and within 2 years they will have the NHL and semi the XFL that will cut into their would be fan base if they don’t do things right.
I think King’s Court will still be a hit regardless of how well he does. It is kind of a happening out there no matter what the outcome.