New Era Huskers
So JJM you fully support Bo, good for you. You can't possibly like the negative press he brings to your favorite team. If you think Bo's actions are cute, you are either immature yourself, or dumb as a rock. Damon Benning was right when he said things are going to have to change in Husker practices from Monday thru Thursday - to see a difference on Saturdays (or Friday after Thanksgiving). The turnover plague has been same ole-same ole for too many years now. Bo can't even fix that for Crise sake. Recruiting sucked ass for way too long, and multiple touchdown losses are a trademark of Bo's teams. I would love to see Bo and team succeed, but it will take more than talented players to fix it. Bo looks the part of a fool via his mouth and actions on the field way to often and many of us here are tired of it. Passion is great, but anger issues is another beast altogether. The only way I can be sold on Bo is if he can go from 4 loss season to multiple CCG wins in 1.3 seconds - the same amount of time it takes Bo to go from nice guy to asinine.