Well-Known Member
Ok. And I need to stop by ngs once in a while as well. I sure miss ya cali.
A lot of people would be happy to see you, and I would definitely be one of them!
In other words, I miss you, too.
(I better tell someone to go play in traffic, soon, or everyone here will get the wrong impression of me.)
since you guys seem well versed in this universe, what other "boards" are worth visiting for avid CBB fans?
First of all, congrats on the season your Wildcats are having, thus far.
Because of '97, I always get a bit of a knot in my stomach over Zona, but I do like to see y'all back in the mix.
The board I regularly post on has had a tough time getting the cbb board going. There are definitely some avid fans, but they debates (arguments) tend to be on MKTF, which is definitely not to everyone's tastes.
Well, you already hurt your street cred by associating with me, so if you wanna make a spectacle and tell me to go fuck myself, I understand
We (AZ fans) have a pretty decent following on here (eh, about 20 fans) who all migrated over after ESPN ate shit. But we are always looking for good boards with a lot of CBB fans to chop it up with. THis site is pretty good, but if you know of any better, let us know. I know reddit is pretty good, but I just don't like their setup. Welcome to the boards
You're too kind, but I'll wait until you deserve it.
I'm sure it won't take long.
Thanks for the welcome.
I had already moved, for the most part, to the site where I spend most of my e-time, when cBS went kaput. Other than this place, I haven't really checked out any others, since most of the people I enjoyed on cBS are here, or there.
Trolly do you have a favorite college basketball team or not?
Well, shit the bed, look who else showed up.
Same as it's always been Malibu. Same as it's always been.
You still keeping hattie and Captain Steve O'Grumpypants in line over at CBS?