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Draft Fail

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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This is gonna be a year long rant, so I am gonna post it here instead of on other threads. We may have some kids develop from this draft, but it doesn't change the fact that our approach to this draft's first three rounds was absurd. One of the deepest drafts in years, and with our first three picks, we netted one DE. I hated it then, and I hate it worse after watching that garbage last night. The trade up for Lawrence...if you are willing to walk away from the first three rounds with two players, why not give up a 1 and 2 to get the defensive guy you want in the first round? All during the draft, you heard over and over teams in the top 10 wanted to trade down. When Donald and Shazier came off, why not trade down in the first round, pick up say a 3rd, and take a Safety, or Hell, take freaking Lawrence since you had him graded a 1. Then spend your 3 picks in the next two rounds on D. And before any owls start saying ''who, who'', good grief, there were studs like Nix and Bradford coming off as late as the 3rd and 4th rounds. My point is, if you spend $100 million on Romo, you need to win now. We have a Super Bowl offense, which will do us no good with a garbage D like we have now


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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I totally agree with some of the things you said. The injury to lawrence I making the draft look bad. I kind of like Bishop and coleman. This will continue as long as Jerrah and stevie wonder own the team. The are the dumb and dumber of the NFL and I don't know which one I dumber


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Weeden looked like captain checkdown last night, the best defensive play I saw was the horsecollar by bishop. This looks like a 5 win team right now


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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I want Mariotta or Randy Gregory with our 1st round pick next year


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Jun 24, 2014
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Weeden looked like captain checkdown last night, the best defensive play I saw was the horsecollar by bishop. This looks like a 5 win team right now

I'll agree with the 5. No matter how many points the offense scores, the defense is still going to have to get on the field. :omg: But WHEN are they going to stop making drive killing mistakes? They had a very nice drive going on their first possession and before you knew it, a few penalties they were back in their end and it was first and 28. :doh:

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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Who cares about who we drafted. The draft is over and the season is starting.

I would be much more concerned about what our coaching staff can do with the defense that we have. With the grace of God I'm hoping they are doing some analysis of exactly how did we give up a record amount of yards last year. Where did we give up the most yards and how can you fix it. Are they going to prepare the defense specific to counter each team we face?

All this coaching staff has to do is shave off 60 yards of defense each game from last year and if the offense is as good as we know it can be with an added running game ...we could be a cheaper version of the Denver Broncos.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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Who cares about who we drafted. The draft is over and the season is starting.

I would be much more concerned about what our coaching staff can do with the defense that we have. With the grace of God I'm hoping they are doing some analysis of exactly how did we give up a record amount of yards last year. Where did we give up the most yards and how can you fix it. Are they going to prepare the defense specific to counter each team we face?

All this coaching staff has to do is shave off 60 yards of defense each game from last year and if the offense is as good as we know it can be with an added running game ...we could be a cheaper version of the Denver Broncos.

One thing I've learned about football chat boards.
If you blast it from the hill tops before anything has actually played out....well, you're invested and many feel the need to drive the I told you so wagon....and often.

One game and most see nothing different from last season. Why? That one preseason game is so telling. Football astute, don't you know? Doom and gloom and white flag waving is everywhere and being first to say this defense will be historically bad again is darn sure important

Funny....I actually read the game management problem in preseason game number one. WAY TO FUNNY!

This is why I stay....the price of entertainment is priceless.
Personally....I think the fan nation posters skew the numbers now. Football clueless and an opinion based on an opinions are the best of all.

onward....cue that circus music, the fun is just starting.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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"this nonsense with the penalties has been ongoing since Garrett took over. This team cannot afford to continually shoot themselves in the foot"

LOL....first preseason game.
Classic stuff right there.

but this guy is from Plano Texas...gets the local team coverage, thus he knows what he's talking about.

I tell you....it's like roaches coming outta the woodwork.
Must be getting close to football season


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Jul 15, 2013
Dallas Texas
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1 preseason game and were doomed ?

Lets get the guys that were not on the field healthy and see what happens

was the defense bad YEA will it be bad all year ? nobody can say yes or no with any real clarity

not happy about the Draft ? Get over it we picked a great looking OL with our 1 and our 2-3 pick can be debated either way but its done.

lets look at the long game and not at the short kneejerk after the 1st PRESEASON game



I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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$ 920.85
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1 preseason game and were doomed ?

Lets get the guys that were not on the field healthy and see what happens

was the defense bad YEA will it be bad all year ? nobody can say yes or no with any real clarity

not happy about the Draft ? Get over it we picked a great looking OL with our 1 and our 2-3 pick can be debated either way but its done.

lets look at the long game and not at the short kneejerk after the 1st PRESEASON game



Did I say :agree:


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One thing I've learned about football chat boards.
If you blast it from the hill tops before anything has actually played out....well, you're invested and many feel the need to drive the I told you so wagon....and often.

One game and most see nothing different from last season. Why? That one preseason game is so telling. Football astute, don't you know? Doom and gloom and white flag waving is everywhere and being first to say this defense will be historically bad again is darn sure important

Funny....I actually read the game management problem in preseason game number one. WAY TO FUNNY!

This is why I stay....the price of entertainment is priceless.
Personally....I think the fan nation posters skew the numbers now. Football clueless and an opinion based on an opinions are the best of all.

onward....cue that circus music, the fun is just starting.

Soooo true. Its been 5 years of Eagles fan bumping up a thread on a board saying, LeSean McCoy is a COMPLETE bust" No one significant even played last night.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Who needs to see guys play in games to determine if they will ever be any good or not? The team didn't take the guys on my draft board so I'll condemn the draft until I die!!! Personally I'm liking how our players seemed to be doing. Too bad we won't get to see if Lawrence was playing as well as they said he was for quite a while but I can't wait to see the dominance I expect from Martin. Absolutely LOVE that pick. Also get the feeling that we are going to see some guys from the 7th round contribute this year. I for one am happy with the draft, but more importantly interested in watching the team and not in whining about who we didn't take or how we looked in a meaningless preseason game. One thing I've learned about Cowboy fans is they always portray things as better or worse than they actually are.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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Who needs to see guys play in games to determine if they will ever be any good or not? The team didn't take the guys on my draft board so I'll condemn the draft until I die!!! Personally I'm liking how our players seemed to be doing. Too bad we won't get to see if Lawrence was playing as well as they said he was for quite a while but I can't wait to see the dominance I expect from Martin. Absolutely LOVE that pick. Also get the feeling that we are going to see some guys from the 7th round contribute this year. I for one am happy with the draft, but more importantly interested in watching the team and not in whining about who we didn't take or how we looked in a meaningless preseason game. One thing I've learned about Cowboy fans is they always portray things as better or worse than they actually are.

I'll clip and save that since you never whine Jarntt. Maybe what you do is bitch, whatever. So you're liking how our players are doing? I said the Offense was top 5, the Defense sucked, and we should have taken more than one undersized defender in the first three rounds to help the D. Hell Yeah Martin is damn good, but with very little cap room to improve the D this year, I could have lived with MacB and Livings for another year. We are both entitled to our opinions, and since I am a Cowboys fan, I'm hoping you are right, but I think all three statements I made will end up being proven correct


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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I'll clip and save that since you never whine Jarntt. Maybe what you do is bitch, whatever. So you're liking how our players are doing? I said the Offense was top 5, the Defense sucked, and we should have taken more than one undersized defender in the first three rounds to help the D. Hell Yeah Martin is damn good, but with very little cap room to improve the D this year, I could have lived with MacB and Livings for another year. We are both entitled to our opinions, and since I am a Cowboys fan, I'm hoping you are right, but I think all three statements I made will end up being proven correct

The problem the way the 1st round fell there were no players who fit our outside of S and apparently Jerry wasn't lying when he said he likes the S's we have. I'm not saying I agree about our S's but it is what it is. Martin was the best choice at that time. It's no secret I wasn't happy with the Lawrence pick but I don't know how you can call it a fail until we see what he is.

So far Martin looks like he's the real deal. Hitchens showed some promise. Street and Mitchell both should help immediately. It takes at least 3 years to grade a draft but so far this draft does NOT look like a fail.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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The problem the way the 1st round fell there were no players who fit our outside of S and apparently Jerry wasn't lying when he said he likes the S's we have. I'm not saying I agree about our S's but it is what it is. Martin was the best choice at that time. It's no secret I wasn't happy with the Lawrence pick but I don't know how you can call it a fail until we see what he is.

So far Martin looks like he's the real deal. Hitchens showed some promise. Street and Mitchell both should help immediately. It takes at least 3 years to grade a draft but so far this draft does NOT look like a fail.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying, and I think Martin is a stud too. I'm not rooting against those kids. I'm mainly pissed at what I thought was Jerry counting his chickens on Shazier and not having a plan B in place when the Steelers took him. Instead of working on a fallback trade down if Shazier went to the Steelers, it's been well documented that Jerry was on the phone with Shazier's people while the Steelers were still on the clock. Martin will be a starter, but I think there's no doubt Jerry overpayed for Lawrence because he got caught with his pants down on Shazier


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Sorry dude, but trying to call someone out for something just because they did you doesn't fly. I don't whine or bitch, I just call out those that do over and over and over again. It's annoying and to be honest it's why Cowboy fans have such a bad name. You don't like the draft fine, we all know that, just shut the fuck up about it. It's not like there was another draft last night that caused you to post a new thread...AGAIN...

Difference between you and everyone else is that if someone keeps posting something over and over like A particular sucks if they don't like him, they normally do so each time that player does something they don't like which may or may not warrant a new thread. You just feel the need to continue whining about the draft and for the one millionth time we don't even know yet how these players will be as Pros.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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Sorry dude, but trying to call someone out for something just because they did you doesn't fly. I don't whine or bitch, I just call out those that do over and over and over again. It's annoying and to be honest it's why Cowboy fans have such a bad name. You don't like the draft fine, we all know that, just shut the fuck up about it. It's not like there was another draft last night that caused you to post a new thread...AGAIN...

Difference between you and everyone else is that if someone keeps posting something over and over like A particular sucks if they don't like him, they normally do so each time that player does something they don't like which may or may not warrant a new thread. You just feel the need to continue whining about the draft and for the one millionth time we don't even know yet how these players will be as Pros.

You don't whine or bitch? I don't have to shut the fuck up about it when I create a thread specifically to talk about the draft. I'm not jumping on a different topic and bringing it up. You're the one whining like a bitch, if you don't agree that they made mistakes in the draft, state it, and we will see how much you actually know and how much of what you spit out is hot air. Past that, the OT was the draft, if you don't wanna talk about it, maybe you're the one who should STFU and find another thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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1 preseason game and were doomed ?

Lets get the guys that were not on the field healthy and see what happens

was the defense bad YEA will it be bad all year ? nobody can say yes or no with any real clarity

not happy about the Draft ? Get over it we picked a great looking OL with our 1 and our 2-3 pick can be debated either way but its done.

lets look at the long game and not at the short kneejerk after the 1st PRESEASON game


My only rebuttal to this is I'm not in your words saying this team is doomed. I do believe this was a very alarm loss...yes after 1 game. Not because we loss; Here's why we all knew at the end of last season this defense was historically bad and the draft did little to improve this roster on paper. Guys can step up sure but our problem isn't only a talent issue but a coaching issue to. Not necessarily the coaching philosophy but basic things like being in the proper position to contain. These guys failed to be in position regularly and it seems to be a trend Marenelli has a track record as being a guy who can fix this and it will take some time. Because of the lack of talent superior talent this team needs to excel at the fundamental and basic things of football in order to be successful this year. Just my opinion:suds:


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You don't whine or bitch? I don't have to shut the fuck up about it when I create a thread specifically to talk about the draft. I'm not jumping on a different topic and bringing it up. You're the one whining like a bitch, if you don't agree that they made mistakes in the draft, state it, and we will see how much you actually know and how much of what you spit out is hot air. Past that, the OT was the draft, if you don't wanna talk about it, maybe you're the one who should STFU and find another thread

No you don't have to shut the fuck up about it, but you will be seen as a little baby if you don't. Your call. My statements on the draft were made obvious...MONTHS AGO! Go read them. Loved the first round pick. Like Lawrence a lot but didn't think it was smart to trade up for him Because i wanted that 3rd rounder. Didn't know anything about Hitchens, but liked what I read about him. Loved the Street pick. Liked the late round guys but didn't know too much about them. Liked Dixon but hated that we ignored getting a cover safety. Most importantly knew that making concrete judgements or taking stands on any of this after a day or month is foolish and makes you look like its the first draft you've witnessed.

What I know or don't know is obvious in every post I make, not how I judge or don't judge a draft that clearly NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT YET. I'm very comfortable with the body of posts I've put up on this and other boards.don't you have something to go complain about??? Maybe someone just dropped a pass in practice. Lets pretend the season is over because of it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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1 preseason game and were doomed ?

Lets get the guys that were not on the field healthy and see what happens

was the defense bad YEA will it be bad all year ? nobody can say yes or no with any real clarity

not happy about the Draft ? Get over it we picked a great looking OL with our 1 and our 2-3 pick can be debated either way but its done.

lets look at the long game and not at the short kneejerk after the 1st PRESEASON game


Thanks Colors. I needed to read a little reason with all the chicken littles running around here:suds: