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Don't Shoot The Messenger


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I think Bradford still has potential.

I just think he's not going to be able to stay healthy enough for that potential to be realized.

It's sad, but he's not the first and won't be the last to have a promising career derailed by injuries.


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I think Bradford still has potential.

I just think he's not going to be able to stay healthy enough for that potential to be realized.

It's sad, but he's not the first and won't be the last to have a promising career derailed by injuries.

You may be right. Dude has had some bad luck.


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Apr 23, 2013
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It's funny u love stats unless it's not what u want to see. Every nfl scout and so called experts like kiper and mcShay agreed he was the #1 QB that year and I believe was the highest prospects ever. So no one that needed a QB would have passed on him. There was more then enough tape on him to see the talent. your the one typing I copy n paste.

You're talking about flipping college 7 years ago!!!!
Again his college stats from 7 years ago doesn't help the Rams, when I'm throwing stats out there it's dealing with what or what he hasn't done since being a Ram, college is college, what aren't you getting:gaah:

Sorry I have to type, I only have an IPad lots of things I can't do!


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You may be right. Dude has had some bad luck.

Yes he has.

And part of that is on the FO for not addressing the OL enough.

A lot of us ( myself included ) didn't think it made sense to draft a QB before fixing the OL. It was a mess when they took Bradford. They took Saffold in the 2nd that year and unfortunately he has trouble staying healthy as well and as we know now is more suited for G than OT.

The FA they have picked up have been a disaster to say the least.

Until the OL gets fixed, I don't think it matters who is under center.


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Oh and by the way TWO time Heisman winner Archie Griffin, GREAT "college" player, sucked in the NFL, when will you learn that college is not as good as the NFL.

Let me break it down for you
Bradford= GREAT college QB

Bradford= average NFL QB

Thanks for clarifying college players may not make it in the nfl. You were the one saying Sam had 3 bad games in college his last year. I was just showing you his career wasn't to bad.


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Thanks for clarifying college players may not make it in the nfl. You were the one saying Sam had 3 bad games in college his last year. I was just showing you his career wasn't to bad.

Btw Cougar

Your avatar pic- that's what I'd like to see more of from him - fire

We need to see more of that from him.


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Btw Cougar

Your avatar pic- that's what I'd like to see more of from him - fire

We need to see more of that from him.

If he can some how come back from these two knee injuries and have a good year I bet he has a ton of emotion waiting to explode out after all he's been through. It would be cool to see.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Btw Cougar

Your avatar pic- that's what I'd like to see more of from him - fire

We need to see more of that from him.

Its been over a year and a half since we've seen him play in an actual real NFL game! :L

Anymore ...Id just like to see him(the Golden Boy) on the field! That seems pretty hard for him to do these days. Thats the Big Question? CAN HE STAY HEALTHY?? He's only played in 49 out of 80 games! Pretty close to becoming BUST IMO! :L Now he's even more fragile!

Whats gonna happen?
Is this organization stupid enough to continue to pay him his enormous salary with 2 major surgeries?:L If we are, with Shotty calling the shots, I expect him to be carried off on a stretcher by week 4 and our new back up qb getting beat up and getting Bulgerized! :L

Or....will he resign a new deal? At this point what type of deal do we offer him? I think we are stupid if we offer him more than 7 mill a season or a deal longer than 2 years. IMO he should take the league minimum and only pay him if he stays on the field because of what he has already earned. Sammy has been in the league for 4 years averaging 15 mill a season. Question is, what will he accept?? Right now its all about staying healthy! They should offer him a deal that pays only if he plays!

Is it about winning?:yahoo: Or is it about money?:gaah:


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If he can some how come back from these two knee injuries and have a good year I bet he has a ton of emotion waiting to explode out after all he's been through. It would be cool to see.

Or...if he re-signs a new deal and somehow gets hurt again early on and just cannot get back on the field and continue to warm the bench!

I bet you will still have a ton of emotion and kiss his ass and wear his underwear! :laugh3:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Thanks for clarifying college players may not make it in the nfl. You were the one saying Sam had 3 bad games in college his last year. I was just showing you his career wasn't to bad.

Well I need to clarify it because you aren't getting it, I don't care how many awards a guy gets in college, it means absolutely nothing at the next level. Sammie has been in the league for 5 years already,he has been hurt half that time, but you are still clinging on to what he did in college because he has shown absolutely squat in the NFL. Do you seriously think after playing about 50 games in the past 7 years, that all of a sudden he is going to miraculously become a star in this league?There is absolutely nothing in his college resume that says he would or will be a great NFL QB!

And as I said before, do you just choose to read what you want, I never anywhere said that your Sammie boy had 3 bad games, I said he didn't play all that well his first 3 games his junior year, which were his last 3 games in college. He DIDNT PLAY BAD (do you actually see what I'm saying there) he didn't play all that well either though, they were 1-2 with Sammie that year. I also said SAMMIE HAD A GREAT SOPHOMORE
YEAR( do you actually see what I said there).

As I have also said, it's great to have a favorite player, but you also have to sometimes take a step back and look at his body of work the past 7 years, 5 of which have been in the NFL, and open your eyes to the things that he HASN'T done.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok Vita, you stumped me, I give up? Don't know what the 7 years reference is for:noidea:
Since he first hurt his shoulder at OU.


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you say college stats don't matter but your the one who went and looked his college stats up and tried to nit pick a great career, and talk about how good Davis did in College. do i think he's going to be a star? almost everyone agrees if he can stay healthy he can be a good QB and get the job done. i have said many times he's no Rodgers or Brady but could be in that next level down like Flacco and that would be great on this team now with a great D and some talent on the Offense. yes he has been hurt most of the time and it sucks but its really not his fault and the talent is still there. good QB's don't grow on tress(see our back ups) just because they get hurt you don't throw them to the curb. you say nothing he did in college said he might not be a great QB in the nfl?? what made you think he wouldn't be?? like i said all the scouts had him ranked as an elite passer coming out. He would be the #1 QB this year hands down if he was coming out now with those stats and would be going to Tampa.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Here's the deal with the ACL.

When Sam 'tore' his ACL vs the Panthers in 2013 it wasn't the same as when he 'tore' his ACL in the 2014 preseason.

His tear the first go around was a complete tear and there was no doubt to the severity. Hindsight alludes he came back too soon when he re-injured it again this year in the Preseason.

After the re-injury of the ACL this season, many (Including Sam and Fisher) weren't sure if the injury wasn't merely a deep bruise, sprain or strain as a matter of fact I recall everyone to a man stating Sam was fine until the MRI's came back. Once they saw the ACL injury on the MRI everyone knew playing Sam in 2014 again could mean the next hit could be the last hit of Sam's career if they were to bring him back again. (I have a feeling, Sam probably could have come back for the playoffs had we made them)

Anyway, I brought all this up because Sam will have a much longer 'rehab' time for a much less severe ACL tear.

A lesser tear & longer mend = A healthy Sam Bradford :nod:

Wherever Sam plays next year, I believe he is a 16 game starter.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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you say college stats don't matter but your the one who went and looked his college stats up and tried to nit pick a great career, and talk about how good Davis did in College. do i think he's going to be a star? almost everyone agrees if he can stay healthy he can be a good QB and get the job done. i have said many times he's no Rodgers or Brady but could be in that next level down like Flacco and that would be great on this team now with a great D and some talent on the Offense. yes he has been hurt most of the time and it sucks but its really not his fault and the talent is still there. good QB's don't grow on tress(see our back ups) just because they get hurt you don't throw them to the curb. you say nothing he did in college said he might not be a great QB in the nfl?? what made you think he wouldn't be?? like i said all the scouts had him ranked as an elite passer coming out. He would be the #1 QB this year hands down if he was coming out now with those stats and would be going to Tampa.

Ok Buckwheat, let me break it down for you yet again! Did I nit pik his college career, no I said HE HAD A GREAT SOPHOMORE year, you cant say anyone, I don't care who it is, is going to be good in the NFL based on a great SOPHOMORE season. I have know idea what Davis's stats were in college, contrary to what you "supposedly" read, I haven't looked up his stas, all I've said and others have too, is that Davis broke all of records.

Who is"" almost everybody" agrees that he can be good if he stays healthy? I've read plenty of articles where people are already calling him a bust, there are teams that won't touch him, why, because he hasnt
shown he is worth anything!

Oh, he had a chance to be good in the NFL, all good college QB's have that chance,it's just that most of them arent , only a handful become good to great QB's, so the odds were against him, especially since you are base it on a guy who just had a GREAT sophomore season.

Again you just seem to avoid the facts I throw at you. What about only 1 of the top 20 college QB's who threw the most TD's in one season have amounted to anything, McMahon, wasn't even that good, he went to a Super Bowl because of the Chicago defense and a guy named Walter Payton.

Again, Colt Breenans, who I'm sure you have never even heard of could make all the throws and had the height, threw for 58 TDs, means diddly!


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Apr 23, 2013
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Here's the deal with the ACL.

When Sam 'tore' his ACL vs the Panthers in 2013 it wasn't the same as when he 'tore' his ACL in the 2014 preseason.

His tear the first go around was a complete tear and there was no doubt to the severity. Hindsight alludes he came back too soon when he re-injured it again this year in the Preseason.

After the re-injury of the ACL this season, many (Including Sam and Fisher) weren't sure if the injury wasn't merely a deep bruise, sprain or strain as a matter of fact I recall everyone to a man stating Sam was fine until the MRI's came back. Once they saw the ACL injury on the MRI everyone knew playing Sam in 2014 again could mean the next hit could be the last hit of Sam's career if they were to bring him back again. (I have a feeling, Sam probably could have come back for the playoffs had we made them)

Anyway, I brought all this up because Sam will have a much longer 'rehab' time for a much less severe ACL

A lesser tear & longer mend = A healthy Sam Bradford :nod:

Wherever Sam plays next year, I believe he is a 16 game starter.

Are you saying that if we would have made the playoffs, Fisher would have put Sammie in for the playoffs, that's just crazy talk! You go with what got you there! You are going to go with a guy that hasn't played all year, Really?
I don't think he makes it through the year, even if he did, there's still a really good chance he would get hurt the next year, face it, he is injury prone, when you are hurt half of your 7 years, that's a pattern that can't just be demised!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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(I have a feeling, Sam probably could have come back for the playoffs had we made them)
Are you saying that if we would have made the playoffs, Fisher would have put Sammie in for the playoffs, that's just crazy talk! You go with what got you there! You are going to go with a guy that hasn't played all year, Really?
I don't think he makes it through the year, even if he did, there's still a really good chance he would get hurt the next year, face it, he is injury prone, when you are hurt half of your 7 years, that's a pattern that can't just be demised!
I said 'could have' not 'would have'.

Big difference!

Too many variables to consider & speculate that far through the scenario IMO. Although we have seen many a starter come back from long term injury to start in the playoffs before.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I said 'could have' not 'would have'.

Big difference!

Too many variables to consider & speculate that far through the scenario IMO. Although we have seen many a starter come back from long term injury to start in the playoffs before.

Vita, I know that you said if Sammie "could" have made it back by the playoffs, but I'm saying, so if we "would" have made the playoffs Sammie would have played? Again, that's crazy talk, why would you throw a guy who hadn't played all year into a playoff game! Especially if your back up did his job and got you there, playoff time comes, you play the hot hand, you don't put Wally Pip back in after not seeing any playing time all year!

A stud QB I can see, but Sam Bradford, did I mention, that's crazy talk!:yahoo:
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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O.K. Smed and Cougar. This is a warning. When the arguments reach the point of name-calling and pointing fingers over and over about who did what over the same pointless topic, I 'm now stepping in here and telling both of you to knock this off.

We have been through three iterations now of who is not reading statistics properly and we all get the fact that Cougar has a major man-crush on Sammie and Smed doesn't like the guy. You both have proven your points and now you both are beating a dead horse. So this back and forth on who is reading statistics wrong and using preferential and selective reading approaches to subsequent posts is repetitive and serves no purpose other than to create a pissing match and who has bigger balls. If you want to continue this, go to the negativity thread or the Penalty Box forum where the inmates there will dice both of you into pieces.

So, if I see another back and forth on who is reading statistics wrong, I am going to take some measures either of you are not going to like. The story about Sammie is not done, so both of you can wait to see it play out in the future. Capeeche? Any questions you both know where to find me.


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Apr 23, 2013
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O.K. Smed and Cougar. This is a warning. When the arguments reach the point of name-calling and pointing fingers over and over about who did what over the same pointless topic, I 'm now stepping in here and telling both of you to knock this off.

We have been through three iterations now of who is not reading statistics properly and we all get the fact that Cougar has a major man-crush on Sammie and Smed doesn't like the guy. You both have proven your points and now you both are beating a dead horse. So this back and forth on who is reading statistics wrong and using preferential and selective reading approaches to subsequent posts is repetitive and serves no purpose other than to create a pissing match and who has bigger balls. If you want to continue this, go to the negativity thread or the Penalty Box forum where the inmates there will dice both of you into pieces.

So, if I see another back and forth on who is reading statistics wrong, I am going to take some measures either of you are not going to like. The story about Sammie is not done, so both of you can wait to see it play out in the future. Capeeche? Any questions you both know where to find me.
Retro, and Cougar, first of all I was in the process of apologizing for calling Cougar Buckwheat, i had reread it and saw that, It's a bad habit that I use with a lot of my friends, surprised I haven't busted it out before! then my battery died and I lost all of it. It may not be proper but I don't mean it in a mean way, that's just me! But anyway sorry. I enjoy going back and forth with the Coug, I find humor in it actually, I just feel the need to take the Coug under my wing and try to save him, he's like a son to me that has strayed:yahoo:
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Well Smed. Apology accepted. If you can keep your posts in that vein, I'll allow it but if it goes back to the issue stated. I don't think so. You can mentor Cougar and that is fine. My point is, the argument with Bradford is not a completed one at least until the coming season gets started so assimilate that into your posts with Cougar and the same for him. If you feel the need to get after it, take it to one of the two places I suggested. Otherwise carry on with other topics here.