and brookens is as stupid as the above mentioned POS, Jumpin' Geno.
and brookens is as stupid as the above mentioned POS, Jumpin' Geno.
was actually hoping for Jhonny to give Fairchild the middle finger after he touched home plate.But probably not the best idea as he is already looking at a possible suspension.
I feel sorry for the fans that paid good money to see Cabrera play only to see an umps ego screw them out of what they paid for. Yea they won, that doesn't matter. Some of the fans that went to the game today may have been only been able to afford to go to one game this year. Unless a player hits an ump, or another player fines should be the penality for arguing with the umps.
Sorry - don't buy that. It seems the 'wild' reactions stem from the fact that it was Cabrera who was kicked out. Would anyone here be yelling just as loud if it was Don Kelly or Ramon Santiago that got tossed? Doubt it.
*Raises hand
If it was the exact same manner as happened with Cabrera, I would.
Why is Cabrera's case special. I am sure he said a word that got him tossed.....maybe ticky-tacky...but that is the rule.
Winged....tell the truth. Would you have started a thread about Don Kelly getting tossed from a game? Truth?
LOL. Yeah, it has never been done before, tossing a guy in the middle of the count. We need to change the rules because we are unhappy. American Way.
How do you know he hasn't or won't have an evaluation?
YEAH! Those umpires are just like the teachers I had in school. They can kick you out and get away with it. They have no accountability. I'd make it that if you cuss out a teacher in front of the class, you get to have the day off. It is about time these controllers are brought down.
For Owl:
Winged - seriously. Time to grow up. It isn't the end of the world. Miggy was not tossed to piss you off. It has and will be a part of baseball. It is what makes the game fun. I think it made the game even more interesting (of course haters will disagree there) when the Tigers went on to a blow out win.