Ron Burgundy
I look good...
stop denying it was you dude!
holy shit!
yeah, youre right...i created an ID mocking my college degree, sent a PM to ox saying "check me out bro"...knowing ox would call my cell and say "that psycho snoogins created an ID called williams grad and is PMing me your dating profile"
yeah, that sounds about right
what does gasoline taste like?
you went on POF
looked at single guys (weird) in your radius
found my pic
you know how i know this?
i reverse engineered what you did...took me literally 8 minutes
give up the act, you suck at this

The best part is... This story is perfectly reasonable to him..
"He somehow found the online dating profile site that I was on (there are hundreds, but he found mine) then he searched for 'guys named Dan' in a 20 mile radius... Then he somehow found MY profile in this search because he recognized my dating pic from a pic I'd shared on CBS the size of a postage stamp.."
Yeah dude... That's believable..

Told you guys it would be good for a laugh..