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Davis benched, Hill back in


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Jul 11, 2013
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Not sure what Shaun Hill is going to do with situations like this:


Calais Campbell completely dominated Barksdale/Joseph on that play and I'm sure on many others. I agree, doesn't matter who our qb would have been in that situation, they would have been sacked. Scott Wells usually gets shoved 10 yards backwards on most plays as well. Greg Robinsin did ok, but I think the guy he was blocking is a LB. They should play Saffold on the right side instead of Joseph. No wonder Davis is struggling. Hill will get killed. :L
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Jul 11, 2013
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the Wells & Joseph Combo Block Comedy Hour once again fails

^^^ aint that the truth ^^^

good article, it really points out where our problems begin. And again... Hill will get killed!


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I got a chuckle out of that!! The 50 million $$ miracle :L

Lol I'm trying to understand the video clip? Is it that he didn't wanna review the playbook because he know the play calling is shitty?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not sure what Shaun Hill is going to do with situations like this:

Probably takes a sack however it's not too often that a pass rush gets there on a three man rush that quick, even with our O line. This play is the exception and Davis had opportunities in this game where he just makes bad throws, bad decisions or both in stead.

The point, there will always be guys who get beat off the ball like in the GIF and get to the QB but limiting those type of plays and taking full advantage of the opportunities that do arise are what keeps us in games.

I'd rather see Davis in there to finish the season barring injury but I can't fault Jeff Fisher for going to the vet after re-watching this game.

Hey I bet Hill has less sacks than Davis over a stretch of comparable games, anybody disagree?

That is of course if Hill can stay healthy :whistle:


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That play is a microcosm of the Rams the past 5 years.

How in the heck can 5 OL not block 3 rushers? It speaks to the ineptude of this franchise to build a solid OL despite investing so much into it.

How do they expect any QB to be successful behind that sieve?

Our OL is like watching the Titanic. You know the disaster is coming and what the end result will be, you're just waiting for the ball to be snapped.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I'll never understand why on pass plays the oline starts back pedaling. All teams do this, but to me it makes no sense, your back pedaling so you are already on your heels and off balance, that's just a recipe to get run over by a good pass rusher. If they just held their ground on the line of scrimmage they just might give the QB at least 1 more second which might make a difference.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Probably takes a sack however it's not too often that a pass rush gets there on a three man rush that quick, even with our O line. This play is the exception and Davis had opportunities in this game where he just makes bad throws, bad decisions or both in stead.

The point, there will always be guys who get beat off the ball like in the GIF and get to the QB but limiting those type of plays and taking full advantage of the opportunities that do arise are what keeps us in games.

I'd rather see Davis in there to finish the season barring injury but I can't fault Jeff Fisher for going to the vet after re-watching this game.

Hey I bet Hill has less sacks than Davis over a stretch of comparable games, anybody disagree?

That is of course if Hill can stay healthy :whistle:

I would be willing to take that bet Vita if it was based more on the same amount of pass plays. I see us not passing as much with Hill in there. Our oline is horrible, defenses are blitzing us now, you don't think they will keep that up, if not even more knowing we have an old mobile less QB back there?

I don't get the "Hill is a veteran QB that isn't going to make bad decisions" argument. The guy has started 1 game in the last 4 years, and in that game he made a horrible decision on an interception right before halftime that just crushed the whole team, especially the defense that played a great first half.

I'm sorry, but Hill will get sacked just as much, if not more behind this oline, although if we go back to the dink and dunk he might not!


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Schotty at home with his wig on after a win.


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I'll never understand why on pass plays the oline starts back pedaling. All teams do this, but to me it makes no sense, your back pedaling so you are already on your heels and off balance, that's just a recipe to get run over by a good pass rusher. If they just held their ground on the line of scrimmage they just might give the QB at least 1 more second which might make a difference.

Offensive linemen backpedal to create the passing pocket and control the flow of a pass rush. As you can see in the earlier gif... rarely does a DE come at an OT straight on. Linemen let the rusher come to them then use their momentum against them to either carry them away from the play, or funnel them to help.

Well... they're supposed to, at least. But a good offensive lineman stays off of his heels while moving backwards.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Offensive linemen backpedal to create the passing pocket and control the flow of a pass rush. As you can see in the earlier gif... rarely does a DE come at an OT straight on. Linemen let the rusher come to them then use their momentum against them to either carry them away from the play, or funnel them to help.

Well... they're supposed to, at least. But a good offensive lineman stays off of his heels while moving backwards.
Right and on pass plays if they could, they would prefer to lineup a couple of steps off the line in the first place but they don't for two good reasons. One, it's against the rules and two it takes away the element of surprise on whether the offense will either pass or rush on most plays.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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You are forgetting that the speed of the D line in the NFL is excessive and if the O-lineman try the "hold-their-ground move at the LOS, they'll get speed rushed or the D-line will use an assortment of arm-to-arm moves such as the swim move or up-and-under with a spin. Just look at R. Quinn. He just blows by the big O-tackles in most downs.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Yes, I understand why they do it, it just seems to me with our oline if we just blocked like it was a run play every down,it just might give our QB a couple of more seconds!