Well-Known Member
Right and since they are all young the odds say that probably only one of the players will die. Then of course they will give it to some of their friends and family and maybe even some elderly grandparents. So maybe 10 deaths total? Of course now each family member will possibly give it to all of their friends and family and maybe even some people they see out at stores or bars and still at worst it's like 100 deaths? Of course now it will go out 3 or 4 levels and spread to the friends of the friends of the friends of the friends and of course a few of them will have some relatives in nursing homes and still at worst, maybe 500 or 1,000 deaths? I say that's a great plan you have there...I know what I am going to say sounds crazy. Zeke could give all cowboys players rides in his car. They would get the virus now and not later