You're next wise guy.
You are going to love being a mod. The right of first night is one of the best perks. The 401k match is nice, but nothing compares to the first night rights!
You're next wise guy.
You're next wise guy.
omg ford your a lurker .. is that like being a peeping tom ?
whoever voted for this jackoff should ask him when we will see all these promises....
So simple, and yet so true.
Why it is so hard to get all the "waters" in one place, and all of the "oils" in another is beyond me, as so many seem to hang their hat on "I post there because I want to and can", as opposed to being with other like minded folks, and staying away from places you are not wanted, appreciated, or any combo of the both.
omg ford your a lurker .. is that like being a peeping tom ?
whoever voted for this jackoff should ask him when we will see all these promises....
If you are surprised to have been lied to by a politician, then I have nothing for you................
Still waiting for the "none of the above" option when voting for President.
It really is so fucking cute how Misko runs in to defend any and all Mods here no matter what its about.
Your like Sir Galahad....well not really but if Sir Galahad was strung out on Meth, you might be able to pull it off.
FINALLY. Day baseball, and the Dodgers no less.
ok, i'm curious. is sake from the cbs boards with another name? no offense to sake, but as an observer, the way he repeats the same things over and over and over is very uno-ish lol
ok, i'm curious. is sake from the cbs boards with another name? no offense to sake, but as an observer, the way he repeats the same things over and over and over is very uno-ish lol
Sort of. A lurker can still use 2 hands, whereas a peeping tom usually has one occupied.
jesse ventura hasn't lied to me
you're welcome
I voted for him. As an autoworker, there was no way I was voted for that lying sack of shit Romney.
The bigger question is when are we gonna get a half way decent candidate.
The name Sake Bomb Sam from CBS comes to mind.....
The name Sake Bomb Sam from CBS comes to mind.....