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Cowboys@Rams Post-Game Analysis: Rams Lose 31-34


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Jul 12, 2013
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It's funny, I was writing up a small piece last Friday before I left work and I got sidetracked with some business. This is part of what I wrote....

"Don't blitz Tony Romo, he's made his career on making people miss and DE's get up the field too far. It gives him the opportunity to run up the middle for first downs or make time for his WR's to get open. You have to treat romo like a Russel Wilson or Kaep and keep him in the pocket. It's where he makes all of his mistakes."

Apparently Williams thinks the rules don't apply to him, or he's special. He's special but in a way that would qualify him to ride the short bus.
It looks like fisher might have to rein him in a little like he had to with his son. Sometimes it's a Head coaches job to reel their children from time to time. Personally I think Williams is trying to do things that should be done in late year 2 to 3. Not his first couple of games as DC. While I can't put the blame solely on Williams I can say some things are obvious. He blitzes too often, and he's having his new/young players do too much. Their play on the field shows they are thinking too much rather than playing football.

Retro I do have to say one thing

The same Janoris Jenkins who had an earlier pick six in the game got beat badly by Dez Bryant in the second half because the DC Williams called a run blitz that confused Jenkins and Bryant was wide open for the TD

That wasn't on JJ. That was on McLeod. The play was a base cover 3 shell. Jenkins is supposed to break on his coverage about 15-20 yards up the field which he did. McLeod is then supposed to pick up the coverage on Bryant from there on out. Actually the play call would have worked just fine if the FS would have done his job. While Bryant might have still made the catch I doubt it would have gone for a TD.

There were some positives on that game tho. I think Schotty called a pretty good game and I love the way AD looked. It's something we can build on, hopefully the team is looking at it that way.


Jun 20, 2014
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Good article Retro. I think you missed your calling as a sports writer. Anyway, the part that really concerns me is it seems like Fisher and company are clueless when it comes to developing and utilizing young talent. I mean you have one of the most dynamic receiver/runners to come out of college recently (Tayvon), and you get him the ball MAYBE 2-3 times a game, Probably the most dominant offensive lineman in years (Robinson) sitting on the bench and an unknown QB (Davis) that has done things for this team that have not been done since the Warner days and you say you are going to put him back on the bench in favor of a guy that has done nothing yet.

I will be the first to admit that the coaches have more experience and knowledge than me (or should have) but come on, we have purposely built a young team, let's see what they can do!!


Apr 17, 2013
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Thanks Raminator, Blue, and jacobarch for you kind comments. Raminator, I am still working at that dream. Maybe it comes true, maybe it doesn't. You have the idea right Raminator. If Fisher goes back to Hill when he has the QB we have all been searching for since Warner, the man is dumber than I originally gave him credit.

jacobarch, that run blitz called by Williams was so stupid it confused McCleod and JJ. You are right though. McCleod missed his read and JJ got hung out to dry and was badly beaten by Dez Bryant who was so wide-open to be laughable.
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2021 Super Bowl Champions Rams
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I also enjoy reading your post game write ups, Retro!


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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My analysis is the Rams have won their only win this season. :L


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Thanks Snake Eyes. I have been doing it now dating back to teh days on teh old SEEBS board. About a total of five years. It shall continue.


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That wasn't on JJ. That was on McLeod. The play was a base cover 3 shell. Jenkins is supposed to break on his coverage about 15-20 yards up the field which he did. McLeod is then supposed to pick up the coverage on Bryant from there on out. Actually the play call would have worked just fine if the FS would have done his job. While Bryant might have still made the catch I doubt it would have gone for a TD.

You beat me to it, jacobarch. Lol.