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Could Pete Carroll come back to USC


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Not stepping in that Bush shit pile, but Pete ain't going anywhere, even if they lose to the Titans.

They lost 1 OT game, and Wilson is playing out of his mind once again.

Two losses will not decide the NFC West, at best the West will be won by 14-3, but likely less than that.

Anyways, if Pete were to comeback to USC it would likely take at least a couple of years to get them back to where they would want him, but to date it would make him the oldest HC in CFB.

Sure there are a few that are close, (Saban comes to mind) but they are well tenured in their programs, and are not taking on a program needing a new start (At least a year or so) to get them back into the National conversation.

Post Script

My apologies if this is just a bait troll thread just looking to rehash the Bush sanctions of the past.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Pete ain't going anywhere,


He wanted back in the NFL, he's there and has had a lot of success. He has a team that is always a playoff contender and often a Super Bowl contender and he's 70 years old.

About the only way I could see him even considering returning to USC would be if the Seahawks inexplicably fired him and that would only be because he has too much energy to retire.

But, he was responsible for USC's most recent run of success, so I suppose that as long as he's alive, any time USC is looking for a coach...his name will come up.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Which obviously was false. As you and I both know, no money was given to Bush's family for him to come to USC.
Well I know, but I was semi defending the post because the narrative has always been with no correction. Hell even the Trojan War documentary essentially glossed over it and left it up the viewers to decide just because Reggie didn’t want to be involved in the documentary.