Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
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its all all well and good that they bench him ... its deserved ... but #Oilersworldproblem: who is the replacement? lol
I would prefer Mark Messier over Fuhr, but otherwise yes esls, you got it.
Closer-up view of a jersey foul:
Really? Covering up #1 overall pick with a hopeful #1 overall pick? So wrong and pathetic.
Closer-up view of a jersey foul:
Really? Covering up #1 overall pick with a hopeful #1 overall pick? So wrong and pathetic.
In other words, McDavid is a real possibility so we ain't doing shit.
Edmonton after 23 games this season: 6-14-3
Edmonton after 23 games last season: 6-15-2
Baby steps, folks.
its starting to piss me off. I just believe they are intentionally tanking for mcDavid and its not right that they get a shot at him. not right at all. I would rather have the fucking LEAFS get him over the Oilers
The thing is that they're gonna have to likely lose a couple of trades in order to right the ship and they also need to dump Eakins. I remember Oilers fans laughing at the returns for Iginla and JayBo, but the return wasn't as important as changing the culture within the dressing room. I'm not saying dump everyone, I would keep Taylor Hall and RNH, but Eberle, Yak, and Justin Schultz are three guys that I would drive to Edmonton International Airport.
I'm not sure what the overall impression of Ray Ferraro is but I love listening to the guy. He nailed it last night talking about those guys. How they all got multi million dollar contracts for no success, and that is a big part for the way they play. They have nothing to play for and are too young to know it without proper leadership.
I'm not sure what the overall impression of Ray Ferraro is but I love listening to the guy. He nailed it last night talking about those guys. How they all got multi million dollar contracts for no success, and that is a big part for the way they play. They have nothing to play for and are too young to know it without proper leadership.