Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
48 hour buyout window is now open

48 hour buyout window is now open
I dont see them buying out Louie. Maybe Sven with one year left (or is it sutter with one year?)
Louis contract is buyout proof because of how heavy it was on signing bonuses. I think they get more cap space (only a million) sending him to the ahl than buying him out
And im just being positive / wishful thinking / aspirational on a buyout happening lol
Is Frankie gonna pay people to just go away in a covid world ? Maybe if its about sending them to sleep with the fishes or take a dirt napIll believe it when i see it.
Still a chance of a potential dirt nap for someone though
At least Calgary's going to be more fun to watch this yearFrankie on the Covid Cap this year... Going with youth and what we got on the bottom six ... Looking at the team we are worse than last year and really we only made the playoffs because of a.long break and covid . Don't think we would have made it if the 82 were fully played. But we did what we did showing all you have to do is get in. Next year will be a shorter season and Frankie hoping lighting can strike twice for us. I have zero expectations for next season so I guess that's good
1. I thought he was decent last year. and pretty good in the playoffs
2. what, no room in Calgary?
I thought he was decent as well and he's already been through Calgary - The transfer/transition is as follows: