Mr. Knowitall
The first wild and crazy night without kids is in the books.....
...Yeah...I cleaned the garage, and we were in bed sleeping by 11.

The first wild and crazy night without kids is in the books.....
...Yeah...I cleaned the garage, and we were in bed sleeping by 11.
J/k....more like :drunkgrumpypanda:
I've gotten too serious this morning
so here's a suspicious flashlight
Parenting tip from a non parent
The first wild and crazy night without kids is in the books.....
...Yeah...I cleaned the garage, and we were in bed sleeping by 11.
but I always got a kick out of people who have fucked up children thinking they fucking know how to raise your kids better than you.
good rant higgy ... mattolas post was good sage strategy though
anyhoo I changed your intro and Ill link my pet peeve experience
You know what I'm talking about.. My kids aren't even kids anymore and he still gives my parenting advice. My twin boys will be 21 in November. One of them doesn't even live at home anymore.
They haven't killed anyone as of yet, so I believe I've done an ok job. They still have all their teeth too.
Man I'm old. :/
the picture was a note to someones kids it said
Want today's wifi password?
1. Make your Beds
2. Vacuum downstairs
3. Walk the Dog