Bizzle McDizzle
all of your teams suck

Epic Star Wars vs Captain America battle engaged in the living room at the moment. You would think Star Wars would have the air superiority locked down and thus the distinct advantage, but, like many others, you would have underestimated Captain America and his troops. The Falcon is already down. This battle is ending no time soon. Vader and Yoda better learn to work together or their rule over the toy chest will come to a Red White and Blue end.
Who is YOUR money on....
old man (late 60's-early 70's-ish) in front of me at Starbucks in Target yesterday.
I just wanted a latte, man, as I was feeling "hip" and "with it" as the kids say today.
Old man places the douche-iest coffee order I have ever heard.
It was an order that would make even the most diehard douchbag hipster fucknut blush thinking how much that order was chock full o' douchebaggery.
It's like the guy thought he was back in the war, ordering from a small cafe in France while protecting those ungrateful brie-eaters from growing tiny moustaches and wearing jackboots.
No scratch that.
Even the waiter there would have looked at him with the bitter disgust and disappointment of an Apple fanboy seeing his mom buy a Windows PC.
... he says while drinking his Starbucks medium roast made with his Keurig, in a tall cup with freshly steamed and frothed milk from the sweet frother his wife got him for Christmas and even added a touch of cinnamon becuase he is felling fancy this morning.
Since we should all strive to be a little more PC now, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize to an waiters I may have offended with the above post.
You are hard working, honest folk, and deserve to be seen in a brighter light than I had shone.
You may look good in a tiny moustache and jack books, and I have no right to deny you that should it be you choosing and personal choice.
Well what was the order? I need reassurance that I'm actually a pretty nice guy...
Epic Star Wars vs Captain America battle engaged in the living room at the moment. You would think Star Wars would have the air superiority locked down and thus the distinct advantage, but, like many others, you would have underestimated Captain America and his troops. The Falcon is already down. This battle is ending no time soon. Vader and Yoda better learn to work together or their rule over the toy chest will come to a Red White and Blue end.
Who is YOUR money on....
I worked at a coffeshop when I was a teenager. I liked when people placed very specific unusual orders. It gave me something new to do.
It involved a lot of Italian words, hand movements and nodding agreements between him and barista
Hey look, it's the Chili Peppers from before I started hating them!
I have this CD. Dave Navarro plays guitar on it because John Frusciante was off being a heroin addict. Didn't get the best reviews, but I like it, especially Warped, which rocks.
Yup. Always liked One Hot Minute. Their newer stuff, not so much for whatever reason.
Hey look, it's the Chili Peppers from before I started hating them!