thats the only kind of coke we have here vee.I'm going to go get more coffee I ran out
Annnnnnd now I'm late to practice. Cot damn, I hate public transportation.
I'm rocking out to Buddy Holly on my headphones at a bus stop in west Oakland. What are yooooou doing?
Bird flu? I'm sick too
This song needs to leave me now!
Not before I torture you all first.
This song needs to leave me now!
Not before I torture you all first.
I feel so bad for "Boxxy's" parents.
A mexican coke? I had coffee and a cigarette for breakfast
lmao, how old is she? I feel like I just broke the law.
lmao, how old is she? I feel like I just broke the law.
old man (late 60's-early 70's-ish) in front of me at Starbucks in Target yesterday.
I just wanted a latte, man, as I was feeling "hip" and "with it" as the kids say today.
Old man places the douche-iest coffee order I have ever heard.
It was an order that would make even the most diehard douchbag hipster fucknut blush thinking how much that order was chock full o' douchebaggery.
It's like the guy thought he was back in the war, ordering from a small cafe in France while protecting those ungrateful brie-eaters from growing tiny moustaches and wearing jackboots.
No scratch that.
Even the waiter there would have looked at him with the bitter disgust and disappointment of an Apple fanboy seeing his mom buy a Windows PC.
... he says while drinking his Starbucks medium roast made with his Keurig, in a tall cup with freshly steamed and frothed milk from the sweet frother his wife got him for Christmas and even added a touch of cinnamon becuase he is felling fancy this morning.