Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, this site, the US Government, Leftists that I try to reason with, etc..Who is censoring you?
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, this site, the US Government, Leftists that I try to reason with, etc..
I agree I think it's time to think about scaling back on masks because people are either vaxed at this point or not, but saying they don't help overall is factually incorrect and ridiculous. Masks do mitigate spread, but there are multiple factors to consider in you saying we are one of the least to still use them. Part of that is because we have been one of the worst nations in handling this pandemic partly BECAUSE so many people have not been masked or can't figure out how to where them correctly. All you have to do is look at the data - places like the Dakotas where they don't wear masks and where the low density should mean reduced spread have had TERRIBLE per capita rates. So let's start with the fact that the premise of your argument is wrong.
Saying vaccines are not helpful also ignores very basic scientific and historical data. Know anyone with polio lately? If people like and fringe media had been around back then you probably would.
So it's not even worth debating the nuance of these arguments with someone who can't even accept basic facts about them in the first place. It's not irrational fear. It's fact-based and I don't think it comes from fear at all but empathy. I still wear a mask to the store or heavily trafficked public places because I don't want to hurt the vulnerable segments of my own community and I care about other people. I have a person I work with who has cancer, so I try to mitigate my own risks for the sake of him and others like him. Put another way, it's the Christian thing to do.
So it's ironic that the supposedly "Christian" regions of our country (South, midwest, plains) have had the most struggles with COVID and acting in Christian ways. These are among the least educated/literate portions of the country, so it's not some big surprise they (like you) have found themselves to absurd conspiracy theories that conveniently explain away their own shitty and unempathetic behavior while lambasting who?.... doctors and nurses who are educated and have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others? Dr Fauci who has tons of money and is old as hell? The private equity firms? Wouldn't exposing an ICU shortage in critical times lose them money by a public wanting more investment in our health infrastructure?
I'm sorry you care so little for others in your community. I'm sorry a piece of paper is such a burden for you, snowflake.
That's just it, duh. They don't just respond with, "those arguments are stupid". They ban them, block them, delete them, etc.. How is it you are not aware of this? Oh, I forgot, you are on the side of those doing all the censoring, so they don't bother with you. Why would they, you kiss their arses and you bow to all of their decrees and pronouncements. You are a good lackey, a "useful idiot" cannon fodder for the Rich Elitists.Saying your arguments are stupid is not censorship. You're thinking of sensiBLE.
I'd be pleased to show you all the evidence. But right now I have to go out and shovel several feet of snow!!!Saying your arguments are stupid is not censorship. You're thinking of sensiBLE.
But I would love to hear the story of how the US Government censored you.
Sure, right here. I see your dumb home county has done a terrible job this pandemic because the data is easily and widely available. You'll probably tell me next about the nefarious plot of Johns Hopkins for some reason.Wow, your exposing your lack of education and your being a dupe who just swallows what Big Brother feeds you.
Do you know how much money Big Pharma made off of these vaccines?
Do you know how many people have been pushed down into poverty since the start of the lockdowns, by the lockdowns? 500+ million.
Do you even know the #s? I don't believe that you do.
Do you have any evidence to prove that the states that didn't mandate masks or lockdowns had the worst covid rates? Because I don't believe you. I think you just believe what you heard on CNN or MSNBC.
That's just it, duh. They don't just respond with, "those arguments are stupid". They ban them, block them, delete them, etc.. How is it you are not aware of this? Oh, I forgot, you are on the side of those doing all the censoring, so they don't bother with you. Why would they, you kiss their arses and you bow to all of their decrees and pronouncements. You are a good lackey, a "useful idiot" cannon fodder for the Rich Elitists.
Free for most where? Here in Rich America. Same with the unemployment aid. Which has done made people lazy, now a lot of people don't want to go back to work.Sure, right here. I see your dumb home county has done a terrible job this pandemic because the data is easily and widely available. You'll probably tell me next about the nefarious plot of Johns Hopkins for some reason.
Making money off something doesn't mean it can't have positive effects. We live in a capitalistic society. Pharmaceutical companies also produced the polio vaccine. And this vaccine isn't new, they've been developing research on similar strains for two decades.
Social stratification has and will continue to be a huge social problem, but the 500 million number is a world number with many factors. And yes, I'm highly educated, which is why I understand you can't jump back and forth between country and world issues without examining different factual bases. Also, the vaccines have been free to most and support for the unemployed has been high, so if the "goal" of the pandemic (as if this was the first or a surprise in a world with tons of world travel) was creating more poverty here, why would we respond in that way? Doesn't add up.
See that is how he got us. He used that as a front since he was actually hiding the evidence at the dildo shop next door.I think all his evidence is in Rudy Giuliani's office (or at Four Seasons Landscaping).
Free for most where? Here in Rich America. Same with the unemployment aid. Which has done made people lazy, now a lot of people don't want to go back to work.
And the vaccines aren't free for Americans, duh. We pay for them with our taxes. How else do you think Big Pharma made 3 times more than the entire music industry makes in a year, in just 2020???
The music industry?And the vaccines aren't free for Americans, duh. We pay for them with our taxes. How else do you think Big Pharma made 3 times more than the entire music industry makes in a year, in just 2020???
Who do you vote for, with your electoral votes and your dollar votes?Lol. I'm barely on any social media and I don't contribute to political campaigns, so I'm not sure how I'm kissing anyone's ass. I kiss the ass of my local food bank, animal welfare organizations, an organization that supports refugees, and a mental health organization.
I'm a "useful idiot" to them.
Who do you vote for, with your electoral votes and your dollar votes?