I thought about deleting some of those posts, but I think the stupidity displayed needs to remain for all to see lol
Letting people learn from other's stupidity is wise.
I shit my pants for this guy.
Yeah, wow. I've certainly been in meetings where I've thought 'if I speak my real opinion, I may be viewed disfavorably' but that's a big step up from thinking 'if i share my real opinion, I'm likely dead.'
Yeah, wow. I've certainly been in meetings where I've thought 'if I speak my real opinion, I may be viewed disfavorably' but that's a big step up from thinking 'if i share my real opinion, I'm likely dead.'
Who wants a nice bowl of soup?"Hey eloco, can I see you by this open window?"
Mask mandates and vaccination mandates for children has never been based on the science, it's been nothing less than widespread child abuse.
Dramatic and conspiracy theory much. And you're wrong about it not slowing COVID. Check standard procedure in any hospital if you think they don't have any impact. There's a big difference between "the CDC should have done a better job" and being "compromised." Go peddle crazy somewhere else. We have smart ones around here.
Who is censoring you?That is what Fascists do, they censor anyone who objects to them imposing their views upon EVERYONE by gunpoint if they don't swallow the bs.
Ah, one who trusts Big Brother, a Branch Covidian you must be?!
Nothing crazy about anything I've posted. Stop believing the liars who are making BILLIONS in profits off of the vaccines. They are telling lies and you believe them like a dupe and they make BILLIONS and 500+ million others around the world fall into poverty???
Did you know America is one of JUST SEVEN countries in the whole world who is still requiring masks for school children? The chances of children transmitting Covid is almost nil. So forcing them to mask for an entire school day is child abuse. There is no science to back up requiring children to be masked or vaccinated.
What is the chance that ANYONE, including the elderly and the really sick and the obese out there, who are vaccinated, of just being hospitalized from covid? Do you even know? Most Leftists polled have shown that they think it's 10-100 times worse than it is. That is from their being fear mongered by the leftist press and Govts. The hospitalization rate of the vaccinated, last I heard, was something like .092%, so less than 1 in every thousand and just 1 in every 112 UNvaccinated people who get covid will have to go to the hospital, and most going to the hospital don't die, and those numbers were BEFORE omicron came around. Omicron is so much more infectious and so much milder that the hospitalization rate has to have dropped even more, And that is including everyone. If you filtered out those over the age of 70, the obese and those with multiple co-morbidities, who we all know are vulnerable and who no one objected to protecting, and then redid the math, it would lessen the chances significantly more for the rest of us who are relatively healthy. And if you filtered out everyone over 18, the chances of school aged children having to go to the hospital is so miniscule it's almost zero!!! So why mask or vaccine children? It's not for their protection, obviously, it's to protect selfish teachers who are almost always far leftists and hence much more easily duped by the fear mongering. Or maybe it's to protect their parents? So we torture our children to protect us from a miniscule chance of our having to go to the hospital??? Again, child abuse. SELFISH and born out of an irrational fear. You all are PHOBICS. Scared of a basically harmless virus(the omicron version) that kills almost exclusively the very old or the very sick. Earlier variants were less harmless, but still hardly worthy of pandemic level reactions. They had to exaggerate the truth, they had to predict high death rates to scare us all into cooperation, they promised it would only last 2 weeks, and only to flatten the curve, so as not to overwhelm the hospitals.
But NONE of their predictions have come even close to being accurate. And it's not been 2 weeks, but 2 YEARS. And why does this last? Did you know not one single hospital bed been added since the beginning of covid? Where did all that money go? Prior to Covid, in 2018, there was a wave of flu that overwhelmed the hospitals and they were having to put up tents to take care of these flu patients. Why? The answer was a lack of enough ICU hospital beds to handle the surge. Why was there a lack of ICU beds in hospitals? Because they are not cost effective. Most/many hospitals are run by private equity firms, so the doctors don't even work for the hospitals, but for the private equity firms and these firms are profit based and so they didn't buy more ICU beds prior to 2018, nor did they invest in buying more after that flu surge, and they haven't invested in a single new ICU bed since then, either. They don't care if we had to go TWO YEARS to flatten the curve instead of 2 weeks so that they didn't have to lose money on investing in more ICU beds. So all of us suffer so that the rich can get richer, and dupes like you cheer them on and vote them into office, and bow to all of their draconian demands, like good cannon fodder, like a good "useful idiot".