Well-Known Member
He had plenty of choices AND TIME, to nip the Convoy in the bud.Just a question - Do you think it emphasizes the point you're trying to make by adding name-calling and ad hominem labels) to posters and political leaders? I'm no fan of Justin Trudeau and he's made more than his fair share of blunders, but as far as the blockades were concerned (and not just in Ottawa, but at the Ambassador Bridge and at the borders in Manitoba and Alberta), he was left with very little choice.
By the way, the Criminal Code of Canada states this pretty clearly:
The moment you start intentionally obstructing other people from going about their day, you’re probably entering the realm of behaviour that is considered criminal by the Government of Canada. The Criminal Code of Canada has a couple of rather broadly written sections that cover this. Section 423, for instance, makes it an indictable offence to compel “another person to abstain from doing anything that he or she has a lawful right to do, or to do anything that he or she has a lawful right to abstain from doing.”
In cases where protesters have been arrested for blockading roads or rail lines, however, they’re usually charged with mischief, which makes it illegal to obstruct or interfere with “the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property.”
The whole world is dropping mandates and mask requirements, so it would have been an easy choice for him to give the truckers the time of day, he could have sat down with them and worked something out that would have not only prevented it from building up to the point it got to, but it would have taken the wind out of the convoy's sails and prevented them from gaining all of the international support they got. But he chose not to do that. Like so many on the Left, their actions consistently lead to their garnering more power. You may believe that to be merely coincidental, but I am not of that mindset. Many of these Leftists may not be in on the whole plan, so some of their actions may be taken without knowing where they will lead, but the one who pulls all of their strings does have a plan and the actions he inspires them to take do lead to ends he desires.
And he wore Black face, multiple times, and not as a dumb college student, but as a professor, so he totally deserves the label.
And is correctly labeling people as Leftists an example of "name calling"? If Leftists are so proud of their beliefs, why do they hate the labels that come with those beliefs?