Stance: Goofy
And throw him in the GoulashThe Gazpacho police will get him.
And throw him in the GoulashThe Gazpacho police will get him.
Where's the fallout shelter party? I'll bring the tortilla chips.Hey, that is your right to stick your head in the sand and pretend the world isn't falling apart around you. But don't say I didn't try to warn you.
You think what's going on in Canada and what went on in Australia and what it's like in New Zealand, and what's been going on here in Merica are not signs of the world moving towards global conflict? So Russia and China buddying up recently and both threatening war with neighboring countries they feel should be a part of theirs doesn't phase you?
No fallout shelter, too easy to be found, would turn out to be your tomb. But a grab and go backpack for survival in the woods wouldn't be a horrible idea. Life ain't going to be no party going forward, unless you love the Left, then it might be fun while it lasts?Where's the fallout shelter party? I'll bring the tortilla chips.
Nice to see her wearing a mask.I'm just going to start calling her Jailbird Tammy...
Oh, of course there are always people who want to make money off of others gullibility. That is not in any way restricted to people on the right. Holy sh1t I hope that is not what you are implying?The predictions of the end of times, days, whatever you want to call it, are coming from the far-right religious camp (and those who know they can make money off of them). They have always been there (as you noted the same behavior decades ago), they just have more platforms now to amplify their message. Not only are they convinced of this, but they want it to happen, with their twisted belief that they will be part of God's salvation. When you are convinced enough that something bad will happen, you will likely find a way to make it happen.
The real downfall of our society has already begun:
Why we believe alternative facts
Motivation, identity and ideology combine to undermine human
Emperor Trudeau didn't like her opinion, eh? Hang her I say. How dare she criticize Mr Black FaceI'm just going to start calling her Jailbird Tammy...
Why we believe alternative facts
Motivation, identity and ideology combine to undermine human
Emperor Trudeau didn't like her opinion, eh? Hang her I say. How dare she criticize Mr Black Face
Peaceful protests are illegal? Or just when the protesters opinion is not liked by the Emperor Trudeau?I would argue that her continued defiance of police orders to leave the area as well as engaging others to continue the blockade in downtown Ottawa are the reasons she was arrested.
You must be a Leftist, lol. And the fact you are not aware of the studies I was referring to show that you might not be as educated as you think you are? Nothing vague about them. The studies are very real and multiple sources have talked about them for years.Your characterizations of "Leftists" and vague "studies have shown" are great examples of the identity bias mentioned in the article. Good job.
Peaceful protests are illegal? Or just when the protesters opinion is not liked by the Emperor Trudeau?
And that's fine, THE MAN has always arrested peaceful protesters when they are protesting THE MAN. When the protesters are being violent and riotous but The Man likes their opinions, they are allowed to burn down cities, right?
That whole situation is a big mess.
meh, it's been done
"Very little about these protests were peaceful"??? Are you serious? Who gave you that impression? Leftist media sources maybe?Very little about these protests were peaceful:
- Harassing/Threatening citizens wearing masks on the street
- Blaring horns non-stop 24/7
- Locking doors to an apartment building while attempting to set fire to that very same building
- Shutting down businesses for over three weeks
I have no issue with peaceful protests, but they cross the line when they infringe on the rights of other people who are trying to live their daily lives. These so called freedom protestors were taking away the very freedoms of other citizens.
Maybe your H1tleresque Dictator Trudeau, Mr Black Face, should have tried talking to them and figuring something out a long time before it interfered with businesses? Could have nipped it in the bud a long time ago, but I suspect he wanted to use it to grab more power. Power he's publicly stated won't be given up anytime soon.Very little about these protests were peaceful:
- Harassing/Threatening citizens wearing masks on the street
- Blaring horns non-stop 24/7
- Locking doors to an apartment building while attempting to set fire to that very same building
- Shutting down businesses for over three weeks
I have no issue with peaceful protests, but they cross the line when they infringe on the rights of other people who are trying to live their daily lives. These so called freedom protestors were taking away the very freedoms of other citizens.