Well-Known Member
Snoogins, there is good new with this outcome, you'll be able to drive drunk now because there wont be any cops on the road.

Snoogins, there is good new with this outcome, you'll be able to drive drunk now because there wont be any cops on the road.
Yeah, but to be fair, when they have an armed and dangerous criminal cornered, he's usually not still at large and unaccounted for 20 hours later
Ox and VP, I'm amazed you haven't been over to the Boston board yet to do your thing. I'm sure there are lots of folks over there that you can easily offend...
Nothing gets by Massachusetts law enforcement. Except terrorists. Literally.Shootout and killing of one suspect
Watertown – Suspects and police exchange gunfire. A Watertown resident, Andrew Kitzenberg, 29, said he saw two men engaged in “constant gunfire” with police officers. A police S.U.V. “drove towards the shooters,” he said, and was shot at until it was severely damaged. Mr. Kitzenberg said he saw the shooters throw a bomb at the police, but it “went 20 yards at most.” One of the suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is tackled by the police and critically injured. He is pronounced dead at a hospital. His brother, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, gets back into the S.U.V. and drives at the officers, breaking through them.
Rock, I find you better than religion.
There's a Boston board? Why am I wasting my time with these losers?!
The family that keeps getting better
another Uncle
"This is America. I didn't do this. Why you bother me?"
"If I talk now. Will you leave me alone."
"Talk to brother. His American better then mine."