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I could call it my little Farmer, but having no farming in my history or interests, it'd be weird. Charmed is like Blessed. Spearman is too close to Sperm. Overgarment, well... so would Underwear, almost. Underarmor.

Thanks for your help, I'm picky and uncreative. I might just use Skittles again.

Isn't that a good thing? I heard that's part of where babies come from.


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I didn't know you had a sister.

Neither my sister nor I have a middle name. I don't think my mom has a middle name. My dad does.

Me neither until she was born. My mom doesn't have a middle name but took her maiden name as her middle. Her sister, had a middle name and took it as her first name when she grew up. Apparently, her natural first name was too ethnic. She then, surprisingly to me because she's a bit of a feminist, took her husband's name and moved her maiden to the middle. She graduated from law school and now is an attorney for Google. Attorneys also tend to not take their husbands name, either.

When I say feminist, I don't mean sexist in her case. I do see some feminists as glorified sexists.


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Isn't that a good thing? I heard that's part of where babies come from.

I could call it Ariel, the Mermaid. Mermaid has all those letters and Ariel has most of them. But I have a friend named Ariel and I don't want her to think it's a tribute. Plus, if it's a boy... I could call it Dictionary, because Merriams has all the letters. Then, name the kid Richard for Dick. ;)
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I could call it Ariel, the Mermaid. Mermaid has all those letters and Ariel has most of them. But I have a friend named Ariel and I don't want her to think it's a tribute. Plus, if it's a boy. I could call it Dictionary, because Merriams has all the letters. Then, name the kid Richard for Dick. ;)

Good circular post. (Circular as in your ending tied to the beginning of the portion of my post that you quoted).


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Oh wait, I just remembered you mentioned it from that discussion on long form names vs. short form names.

She's a good, smart girl, if I say so myself. If she didn't have a bf, lived where you did, I'd introduce her to you - but I don't think you two would fit, per se.

Her first boyfriends were blah. One time I drove up with her to SF from LA, and he went to Stanford. She stayed after I left and took a train/plane back. He had a paper due and worked on it at night and he didn't drive her to the airport/train station... he didn't even walk her to the cab. And the worst thing, it wasn't some sort of jerk move, it was that, according to her, he hadn't considered it, like saying goodbye at the door was the same (he was on like the 4th floor). If it were a jerk move, she might have broken up earlier, so this not knowing just prolonged the inevitable. Plus, he didn't ever remember Valentine's Day or her birthday, unless hinted. My sister is not the type to take offense, but I'm defensive for her, not to his face of course and I never told her what to do or how I felt. I never told anyone in fact because I feel it'd be rude to do so while they were together. Now, it's never come up and I wouldn't randomly say anything.

She had baggage, too and it was at 9 AM, not 4:30 AM. He wouldn't have walked her if it were at 4:30 because he doesn't know that that's dangerous for people to walk alone at night if they can help it. He went to Stanford and he was too dumb not to help her.

There were a lot of things that he wasn't aware of. She told me that opening the door, pulling out the chair (on the first date), etc. wasn't his nature because he wasn't taught to do it. Neither was I! No one teaches you that, you learn it from common social awareness. I'm not saying you need to do it all the time or even on the first date, but this isn't some nuance that no one knows about. He should probably know her well enough that she notices it. She doesn't demand it obviously and didn't break up with him over it. I just think that it's a small part of the big reason that he wasn't right. I saw it as a bigger deal than she did, obviously. I need to see effort somewhere and I never saw it.

Then, her second BF lost his sister in a way I shouldn't discuss here (PM me on Facebook if you want to know) and after that said he didn't want a family. It was too hard for him to move on and saw that having a family would be a risk. He apparently was very close to her. So, I can empathize but not sympathize. But there were other things, too.
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I could go predictable and call it M and M, but that doesn't have all the letters. But it fits with the middle name of the boy and without revealing the girls name, it fits.

Coincidentally, the initials of the boy fit inside the girls name, but then, I'd be telling everyone my girl's name.


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If my baby were Hindi, it could be Multiarmed. No offense intended to those who are. And not sure if Hindi is the right term, Indian Buddhism is different than Chinese Buddhism, no? Ganesh is different than Buddhism, right?

Man, I should know more about this than I do.


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My wife and daughter left tonight to go out of the country. I won't physically see them for 39 days.

That's 25 business days. Must be a good vacation policy.


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That's 25 business days. Must be a good vacation policy.

It gets even better, I'm going there for my brother-in-laws wedding. He's having a baby at the end of May. They were engaged already before the pregnancy, but who knows if they wanted to wait until after the wedding and it slipped. I don't think they did, because I didn't know about the engagement until after the baby news. But they are right for each other.

TMI - so you might want to stop reading - I basically refused to have sex from after our engagement until a few months after we got married because I did NOT want to get her pregnant before marriage and I did not want people who were too dumb to do simple math to think she was pregnant if the baby was born 9 months after the wedding. Basically doesn't mean literally stop everything. Just wait until it was clear.

We also weren't ready for the baby yet, so that was the reason for no baby, but the no sex was because of "accident" prevention. I wouldn't let others determine when to have a baby, of course. If we wanted the baby, we would have just had it. No sense in waiting, I just wanted it to be a planned thing. Technically, I was married to her before the wedding, to get the green card process going, so there!

My brother told me they weren't trying to have a baby, but figured that he had a great job and so if something happened, great. They wanted a kid and had been married for 6 months already when his wife conceived.

No, I don't judge those who have accidents. I just choose not to have one and don't want close relatives and friends to think I got married because of one. Once we decided to have one, I didn't care if anyone thought we were ready. We decided to have the baby in the last year of law school so I would have time with the baby, versus the first year of work when you get no time out. Still waiting for that blasted job, but it'll come.
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I've always wondered why there was a 9 year, 7 month difference between my sister and I. I'll never know if it was planned or not, but it does seem like a really long time in between. And, I was born 3 months early, so there would have been a 9 year, 10 month difference.

It's possible that my parents wanted to wait until they had their own place. My dad and his oldest brother came to the US first, then 1.5-2 years later my mom and sister came (along with his oldest brother's wife -- my aunt). I think they all lived together for a little bit. Hmm, but that's two sets of families, 3 + 4 = 7 people. Maybe my mom, sister, and aunt (as well as their two kids) came after my dad and uncle got their own places.

But that's still about 7 years from the time they (mom + sister) came to the US, and I was born. They did move into a bigger place about a year before I was born. But then I also saw the old house too, it was just a few blocks away, and we later moved back in it for a year. It seemed big enough too, even if it was a little smaller.
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I have 26 vacation days, but I've only taken 1 day off since June 2011. I guess you can accumulate 25 in about a year and a half, if you don't take days off in between.


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I've always wondered why there was a 9 year, 7 month difference between my sister and I. I'll never know if it was planned or not, but it does seem like a really long time in between. And, I was born 3 months early, so there would have been a 9 year, 10 month difference.

It's possible that my parents wanted to wait until they had their own place. My dad and his oldest brother came to the US first, then 1.5-2 years later my mom and sister came (along with his oldest brother's wife -- my aunt). I think they all lived together for a little bit. Hmm, but that's two sets of families, 3 + 4 = 7 people. Maybe my mom, sister, and aunt (as well as their two kids) came after my dad and uncle got their own places.

But that's still about 7 years from the time they (mom + sister) came to the US, and I was born. They did move into a bigger place about a year before I was born. But then I also saw the old house too, it was just a few blocks away, and we later moved back in it for a year. It seemed big enough too, even if it was a little smaller.

There's nine years between my mom and her sister. And then, my grandparents got divorced shortly enough after that. I think he wanted a boy and fought too often with my grandma. I've never met him because he's never moved here and my grandma remarried. He got his wish and now has a son or two over there and a daughter, too. My aunt who is nine years younger, discovered her siblings when on a trip over there. She found a picture on his desk. I don't know why she wasn't just told, don't know how old she was when she discovered. My mom doesn't care, she only cares for her dad and stepdad. She'd meet the other children if they had any interest, but I think they don't. My mom, as stated, doesn't care one way or another. I know her, so I believe it.

My parents waited to have my sister until after they finished the residency program and got a job here. That made it 4 years and 7 months between me and my younger sister. If not for that, I'm assuming she would have been a year and nine months after I was born. Know why? I did the math.

My parents conceived their first kid on their 1 year anniversary. They conceived me on my brother's 1 year birthday (not literally but around the date). And then, they moved to Utah a year before they conceived my sister. But if they weren't planning on moving from Iowa, they'd likely have started earlier. My mom told me this when I asked for how she decided to have more.

I just realized this. I had my first baby 2 years and 6 months after I got married. My second baby will be born 2 years and 6 months after my daughter's birth. I had planned to follow my parents pattern because I liked the distance between me and my older brother, so we started last April, a year after my daughter was born. It didn't happen until Dec/Jan because it's hard to conceive (but not impossible) while still breastfeeding.

I have no idea when my brother is planning on having his second, but I know he wants one and I doubt she is breastfeeding. So if they don't have one, it's probably because they are not ready. His wife is the same age as mine. Their kid was born 5 months before ours and so it would be cool if their second is born 5 months after our second one. I haven't told him yet because I want him to decide on his own. He's not competitive, but we might put pressure or give them ideas. His wife told me that they are planning on having a baby when their friend's are, so the ages will stay the same. Hopefully, this means that they won't be moving to Portland like she wants, despite my brother having a great job at DreamWorks.
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I have 26 vacation days, but I've only taken 1 day off since June 2011. I guess you can accumulate 25 in about a year and a half, if you don't take days off in between.

I accumulate sick and work days like a madman, only taking them if I'll lose them. Sick days and vacation days had their limits of when you had to use them. Sick days, I believe was shorter expiration date. They allowed it, but didn't like you adding them together, but I assume they didn't like time off altogether. It's harder for a company to adjust to two weeks, than one day, depending on your projects. They included it as an option because they knew it was a desired thing by employees.


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Our Bear makes an appearance. At the end, but I liked the whole thing.

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One of my favorite poems.


My dad gave me one dollar bill
'Cause I'm his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
'Cause two is more than one!

And then I took the quarters
And traded them to Lou
For three dimes -- I guess he don't know
That three is more than two!

Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just 'cause he can't see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs
Down at the seed-feed store,
And the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!

And then I went and showed my dad,
And he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head--
Too proud of me to speak!

- Shel Silverstein


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I wish they would have let OKC continue attempting halfcourt shots, even as they surpassed team Miami's time. I like seeing someone make a halfcourt shot.

I told you and Sackataters the time where the people I played basketball at lunch said I made 8 in a row. I think it was no more than 5, but it was weird. I wish we could play. When I went to games with my high school basketball team, I'd always shoot until I made a half court shot, one three pointer, a turnaround fadeaway like Malone (usually from the right side), and one layup. I was damn nervous for the state playoffs because I knew I'd only get one shot in the Jazz old floor, the Delta Center, and I made the half court shot. I shot that one first because I didn't know when I'd get kicked out.

I'd shoot the turnaround fadeaway on the left side because I'd rather airball than hit the side of the backboard. At Weber State University (another year's playoffs), I accidentally banked it, which is hard from that angle, but it wasn't on purpose so I didn't like it. I was mad because I wasn't given an opportunity to shoot it again. I went and shot my layup and left.

I was a student athletic trainer so I got to go with the team, tape ankles, etc.


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I told you and Sackataters the time where the people I played basketball at lunch said I made 8 in a row. I think it was no more than 5, but it was weird. I wish we could play. When I went to games with my high school basketball team, I'd always shoot until I made a half court shot, one three pointer, a turnaround fadeaway like Malone (usually from the right side), and one layup. I was damn nervous for the state playoffs because I knew I'd only get one shot in the Jazz old floor, the Delta Center, and I made the half court shot. I shot that one first because I didn't know when I'd get kicked out.

I'd shoot the turnaround fadeaway on the left side because I'd rather airball than hit the side of the backboard. At Weber State University (another year's playoffs), I accidentally banked it, which is hard from that angle, but it wasn't on purpose so I didn't like it. I was mad because I wasn't given an opportunity to shoot it again. I went and shot my layup and left.

I was a student athletic trainer so I got to go with the team, tape ankles, etc.

I didn't know trainers were allowed to practice.

What's the best result your team had in the playoffs?


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I didn't know trainers were allowed to practice.

What's the best result your team had in the playoffs?

I think I would have remembered state championship, so I don't think it was that far. But I remember one really successful year (but losing the last game we played), so I'm guessing the Final Four equivalent? I don't know how many teams made the playoffs but I think it was 16. With a wildcard game. So we had two wins and one loss or three wins and one loss at state. I should remember this, but don't.

I was allowed to shoot before the players came out for warmups. Sometimes I'd be the ball boy because I liked to pass the ball, but mostly I was with the medical staff taping ankles or learning something. I didn't like being the steroids injector person, there was so much secrecy around it. ;)


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I think I would have remembered state championship, so I don't think it was that far. But I remember one really successful year (but losing the last game we played), so I'm guessing the Final Four equivalent? I don't know how many teams made the playoffs but I think it was 16. With a wildcard game. So we had two wins and one loss or three wins and one loss at state. I should remember this, but don't.

I was allowed to shoot before the players came out for warmups. Sometimes I'd be the ball boy because I liked to pass the ball, but mostly I was with the medical staff taping ankles or learning something. I didn't like being the steroids injector person, there was so much secrecy around it. ;)

Doesn't a trainer need some kind of medical background? Do you have a medical background?