#1 Ignored
am i still a topic of conversation? can i also get you each to send me $100? it seems what i do and say is so important, i figure why not ask for money for my services?
Do you swallow?
am i still a topic of conversation? can i also get you each to send me $100? it seems what i do and say is so important, i figure why not ask for money for my services?
So apropriate for this place at times
So apropriate for this place at times
dirt admitted he was shitting his pants midway thru the 4th quarter of the last game C's series
word for word
i believe i said hed by lying if he denied he hadnt shat himself
he agreed he was
problem is, technicaly...yes technically, he never failed a public test
technicality, yes...but....never associated with clinics, never charged, never suspended
manny on the other hand?
thats the crux
im a painter
Neither did McGwire, Sosa, Pudge, Bagwell, Clemens, Bonds, Gonzalez, etc etc etc....Face it. Ortiz at best is a long shot.
So apropriate for this place at times
with the suspensions, manny will have a tremendously hard time
thats what seperates ortiz from manny IMO
with the suspensions, manny will have a tremendously hard time
thats what seperates ortiz from manny IMO
pickles you sure are gettin off on those gifs
4 guys you listed were in court associated with steroids/peformance enhancing
the rest are all speculation...which again, is my point
No, I said you humped a one week slump...they were 10th in all of baseball for runs scored at the end of April...they dropped 7 spots in a week...which is what you're humping