It gets u every time
- drunk
i guess i won't be working on
- drunk
- drunk
Ah nobody would get ban power and I really only do have 1 rule: "Don't blow the place up"
I set it up quick went CBS went down but never did much with it
Sports Talk n Stuff
Nice try getting my email address you perv.
I take personal pride that I didn't know that such crap exists...
I'm in that bitch...
And he's coming back with the knowledge that anyone can post whatever they know about him at anytime. If he doesn't like this, that's fine.
oh boy
Crack me up. Typical B_Lake,
It means that they are "REplying" to messages you sent...
ONe is titled "Uno"
another is titled "Snoogins"
Both say "RE"
Both are coming to you from Mods..
Which says that you are initiating conversations with mods... about Snoogins and Uno...
Which says that you are a complete toolbox...
I'm in that bitch...
I take your privacy very serial
but I'm not sure lol. I don't think so
im starting to have doubts he will come back.....i figured he would shoot in here immediately....but nope nothing yetBwaaaaaaaaaahahaha! This is gonna be epic![]()
theyre replies to continuous messages they initiated. see...if they email me, i says "RE". i can post them if youd like.
lol, well i created a new one just in case, cause there is a few heads in here i can't say i'd trust