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Legion of 'shrooms?
I like THCeahawks.
Legion of 'shrooms?
Seattle are bunch of cheaters.
Slipped through the cracks? What a joke
I know man smoking bud is definitely gives you and edge!
I like THCeahawks.
That's what I'm thinking. How can the player, agent, and team not know?
Its interesting that without any details of what any player was ever tested postive for by any drug or PED test that everytime a Seattle seahawk gets a PED violation it was Adderall, and every time its a drug suspension it was weed.
Wow, you guys are really intuitive. Without any details ever released about what the positive test was for you figured out each and every time that it was either pot or adderrall. The two least offensive sounding failed tests...
Because I heard all these failed tests were for Heroin and Steroids.
Huh? Who's assuming anything.. ? Every violation from the PED was Adderall that was proven… Also let's not even get into the debate on whether other NFL players are using PED's … I think we both know the answer to that…
Boogie, come on. Proven?
Link please? And proving it doesn't involve quoting some unnamed source or the player. You have no way of knowing what it is. But every time, according to the team and the fans, it is either weed or adderall. Its a ruse dude.
I guess in that case we can't believe ANYTHING we read… or hear… When we read a player is caught drunk driving he could a been high on Heroin…
Adderall can be just as helpful to a player as steroids.
Imagine taking a bump of cocaine before a game (ie M. Irvin). Not only does it improve your ability to focus but it also increases the body's reaction and twitch movements. And that's just scratching the surface of effects in game.
The drug can also be used for to improve their studying habits and increase their ability to digest film as they won't fall asleep or lose focus for multiple hours.
The fact that the drug can be prescribed doesn't mean its advantages aren't without merit.
Nope. Something like a DUI is completely different as there are independent sources to corroborate the rumors/agent statements, often including the police. If one of the Hawks has been prosecuted for drug use, then we'd know what drug was at issue. But we don't. It's a private test, administered by a body that cannot, by legal contract, disclose the results. So there is no corroboration, and there is no adverse effect for lying.
But hey, if you can find a reputable independent, identified source that confirms that these guys are only testing positive for pot and Adderall, please bring it to our attention.
Um no way…. Roids do way more… Adderal get's you up mentally… Roids build your body making you bigger faster and stronger… Not even the same ballpark… Again Adderal players can get a prescription and it's legal in the NFL …
But that reputable source can lie also.. right ? I mean who knows what the truth is.. This won't be the last time players in the NFL get popped…