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Britt to play center


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Apr 21, 2013
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The Seahawks have announced that they're going to move Justin Britt to center and it sounds like he'll compete with Lewis and Hunt for the starting job there. I would have been fine with Lewis starting at center, but it sounds like they didn't want to get stuck playing a rookie at center just in case Lewis gets hurt. I thought they might have Britt and Glowinski compete for the left guard spot since they plan on playing Ifedi and right guard, but this move makes it seems like they're comfortable with Glowinski at that spot. We'll see how this goes. At least they made the move early enough that if it doesn't pan out the way they'd like it to, Britt can always be moved back to guard.

Seahawks shifting Justin Britt to center from right guard


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The Seahawks have announced that they're going to move Justin Britt to center and it sounds like he'll compete with Lewis and Hunt for the starting job there. I would have been fine with Lewis starting at center, but it sounds like they didn't want to get stuck playing a rookie at center just in case Lewis gets hurt. I thought they might have Britt and Glowinski compete for the left guard spot since they plan on playing Ifedi and right guard, but this move makes it seems like they're comfortable with Glowinski at that spot. We'll see how this goes. At least they made the move early enough that if it doesn't pan out the way they'd like it to, Britt can always be moved back to guard.

Seahawks shifting Justin Britt to center from right guard

Mmm interesting, big surprise to me. Man that is a lot of changes their thinking about. Let me see Gilliam is going to learn a new position, Britt is going to learn a new position, again, Glowinski is going to learn a new position and Webb is going to be RT ( OMG ! ) . Should be interesting to see how this works out.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Well, if you're gonna shake it up, it's better to do it now than in August.

Sorta seems like this move is putting Britt a step closer to not even being a starter, maybe not even a Seahawk.


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Well, if you're gonna shake it up, it's better to do it now than in August.

Sorta seems like this move is putting Britt a step closer to not even being a starter, maybe not even a Seahawk.
Yeah, I thinking the same.


Go Army!
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Listening to Pete talk in his Mini camp presser, sounds like they are undecided who plays RT. Love listening to Pete, always up beat, but still offers up some good insights.

Pete Carroll Rookie Minicamp Day 1 Press Conference
I don't know why they can't get smart with these pressers and put a mic in front of the person asking the question. Most of the time you cannot hear what the heck they are trying to answer to.


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I don't know why they can't get smart with these pressers and put a mic in front of the person asking the question. Most of the time you cannot hear what the heck they are trying to answer to.

You got a good point.


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The Seahawks have announced that they're going to move Justin Britt to center and it sounds like he'll compete with Lewis and Hunt for the starting job there. I would have been fine with Lewis starting at center, but it sounds like they didn't want to get stuck playing a rookie at center just in case Lewis gets hurt. I thought they might have Britt and Glowinski compete for the left guard spot since they plan on playing Ifedi and right guard, but this move makes it seems like they're comfortable with Glowinski at that spot. We'll see how this goes. At least they made the move early enough that if it doesn't pan out the way they'd like it to, Britt can always be moved back to guard.

Seahawks shifting Justin Britt to center from right guard

Maybe third times a charm for Britt. It seems like the coaching staff is at a lose with him and the shuffling.


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Aug 15, 2014
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I don't know why they can't get smart with these pressers and put a mic in front of the person asking the question. Most of the time you cannot hear what the heck they are trying to answer to.

There's too many guys asking questions is the usual answer. They don't want to line up to ask their questions.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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There's too many guys asking questions is the usual answer. They don't want to line up to ask their questions.
Yeah, could be....and if it's a hassle then they're certainly not gonna do it just for our benefit (even though we are the audience for these, right?). But here's the thing. In my crappy headquarters building on JBLM north fort I have a mic all the way on the other side of the room -- probably 15 feet from where I sit -- that I use for video teleconferences, and it picks up my normal speaking voice just fine. I bet the Seahawks could afford it.

Anyway, minor grip in the grand scheme...just irks me that we can't figure this out in 2016.


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Yeah, could be....and if it's a hassle then they're certainly not gonna do it just for our benefit (even though we are the audience for these, right?). But here's the thing. In my crappy headquarters building on JBLM north fort I have a mic all the way on the other side of the room -- probably 15 feet from where I sit -- that I use for video teleconferences, and it picks up my normal speaking voice just fine. I bet the Seahawks could afford it.

Anyway, minor grip in the grand scheme...just irks me that we can't figure this out in 2016.

Broadcasters don't like omni-directional mikes, because it picks up stuff you don't want it to. Either that, or the mikes 'search' for sound, and then you get that really loud nothing background sound. So directional mikes are what you want.

But yeah, as a shooter/editor, I've struggled to get TV guys to mic themselves for questions, print guys asking, there's simply no way they're going to put on a mic.

The team could do it, of course, have an audio board out for people to record, but mostly they're going to let the individual camera guys do their own sound.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Broadcasters don't like omni-directional mikes, because it picks up stuff you don't want it to. Either that, or the mikes 'search' for sound, and then you get that really loud nothing background sound. So directional mikes are what you want.

But yeah, as a shooter/editor, I've struggled to get TV guys to mic themselves for questions, print guys asking, there's simply no way they're going to put on a mic.

The team could do it, of course, have an audio board out for people to record, but mostly they're going to let the individual camera guys do their own sound.
Fair enough. You are obviously more well-versed in the techno-speak on this than me. There are two places where they typically do these at the VMAC: either right outside the weight room on the concrete apron or inside at a hallway off the corner of the indoor practice field. Just seems like with the amount of resources they have at their disposal combined with technology of 2016, they should be able to rig something up fairly easily that allows me to hear the damn question being asked of our $7M a year head coach or our $22M a year QB.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Britt might still play LG and move to center if Lewis is injured or if he beats out Lewis. Mix and matching is common place this early in training camp. Has Britt EVER played Center?!?!

I thought Lewis did fine at center last season and was a HUGE upgrade over Norwak or what ever that guys name was so them trying to replace him seems strange.


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Fair enough. You are obviously more well-versed in the techno-speak on this than me. There are two places where they typically do these at the VMAC: either right outside the weight room on the concrete apron or inside at a hallway off the corner of the indoor practice field. Just seems like with the amount of resources they have at their disposal combined with technology of 2016, they should be able to rig something up fairly easily that allows me to hear the damn question being asked of our $7M a year head coach or our $22M a year QB.

Oh, I agree with you on that. Less than a thousand bucks investment probably. But I see it on endless feeds that I record and monitor daily, no extra mic's beyond the one at the podium (or the lav the interviewee is wearing)

Movie studios are good at not doing that, but they just schedule the poor saps doing PR for 50 five minute interviews in a day. So there's only one extra mic needed for whomever is in the extra chair.

So, I'm not disagreeing with you in the least, just providing info because I'm at work, and bored as fvck, and my anchor has yet to voice headlines. (into a directional mic btw!) :)


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Britt might still play LG and move to center if Lewis is injured or if he beats out Lewis. Mix and matching is common place this early in training camp. Has Britt EVER played Center?!?!

I thought Lewis did fine at center last season and was a HUGE upgrade over Norwak or what ever that guys name was so them trying to replace him seems strange.

The knock against Lewis has always been his lack of 'take charge' attitude. If there's one position that has to be kinda' type A, I'd imagine centre would be it. Or at least not shrinking violet.


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The knock against Lewis has always been his lack of 'take charge' attitude. If there's one position that has to be kinda' type A, I'd imagine centre would be it. Or at least not shrinking violet.

I thought he fixed that problem last season when he was installed as the starter. Things started to turn around for the line when he was put in to the starting lineup. I can't imagine they'd have done it if he wasn't doing what they asked of him. Then again, it couldn't hurt to give him a little competition that actually has a chance of taking his spot to make sure the fix holds.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Well, if you're gonna shake it up, it's better to do it now than in August.

Sorta seems like this move is putting Britt a step closer to not even being a starter, maybe not even a Seahawk.

My thoughts as well... I can't see him being our starting Center... I don't think he'd be good enough personally... What I do like, what was once a weakness, is hopefully a strength in terms of depth on the OL...


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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My thoughts as well... I can't see him being our starting Center... I don't think he'd be good enough personally... What I do like, what was once a weakness, is hopefully a strength in terms of depth on the OL...
Yep, you cant go wrong by continually dumping talent into both lines. In fact, I think it's a mistake not to.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Oh boy, not sure what to make of this. Is he moving because he's not good enough to start at guard or because they don't like what they have at center and figure "why the fuck not?"

Could be both. Either way this is a lot of movement on the O-line. Hopefully they can learn from the mistakes they made last season and get this group on the right track. They were making strides towards the end of last season but losing two starters and shifting everyone else around is going to be difficult to deal with.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Just an outside perspective but it does sound like the Seahawks with so many new moving parts on the OL are trying to figure out what is the best fit for every player and what is the best combo of the 5. A lot of teams anymore also are trying to cross train OL players. Long gone is the guy that can only play one position unless that position is LT. So with it only being May it sounds like they are trying Britt out at Center because why not. If he doesn't look good there well you can always move him back out to Guard or Tackle since he does have starting experience at both.