The Juice!
you do realize he became a full time closer last year right? and prior to that he was a starter.. if you are gonna pull out stats for him closing.. then do that. not career stats which would reflect totally different numbers.
it's like comparing jim johnson's numbers as a starter to those of him closing. good try, but epic fail
So 22 starts in 296 apperances means he was a starter. good to know
On the flip side...the guy responsible for drafting Trout, Trumbo, Weaver...ran out of town by the Reagins regime...Yeah.
Walt Jocketty and Bob Castellini have completely turned that entire organization around, and not just at the MLB level.
Stupid things like that are not even considered anymore.
Holy shit 7-0
The new thing I guess if for the Yankees to give up 3 runs a week
Some douche bag picked this team to win the AL east because they have the "best pitching in the division"
What a douche bag
And Joe Blanton>>>> Joey Votto
after those starts he was a long man then became the set up guy to bj ryan. only last year was he promoted to full time closer
On the flip side...the guy responsible for drafting Trout, Trumbo, Weaver...ran out of town by the Reagins regime...
DiPoto needs to find like a bunch of diamonds in the rough these next couple drafts...our farm system is FUCKED.
On the flip side...the guy responsible for drafting Trout, Trumbo, Weaver...ran out of town by the Reagins regime...
DiPoto needs to find like a bunch of diamonds in the rough these next couple drafts...our farm system is FUCKED.
On the flip side...the guy responsible for drafting Trout, Trumbo, Weaver...ran out of town by the Reagins regime...
DiPoto needs to find like a bunch of diamonds in the rough these next couple drafts...our farm system is FUCKED.
after those starts he was a long man then became the set up guy to bj ryan. only last year was he promoted to full time closer
what's with the jhoo boy talking affirmative action. what's the relevance to what we are talking about? if you gonna talk baseball then talk baseball. leave the racial shit home.
Yankees = Smartest kids on the short bus
And Rickie Weeks >>>> Robinson Cano
He did a good job of unloading Vernon Wells and only paying 3/4 of his salary so that Wells could tear it up on the Yankees.
Angels have no honor and no tradition apparently.
make any headway today VP?
When you gets chance, look up the Man U champions parade today, and how those fans turned on Rooney. They don't fuck around out there, once you ask for a transfer, you are dead to those people