Well-Known Member
I call complete BS on CC's statement.. Utter BS!
Again, doesn't make it right what someone said to Jones
Again, doesn't make it right what someone said to Jones
I agree. Showalter and his band of no playoff appearance losers are shit and I hope that Sale drills that POS, Machado every time he steps in the batter's box.
There's plenty of racism in the south, but not near as rampant as it is in Boston.
What cracks me up is a dude from New Hampshire getting his jimmies rustled over people calling Boston racist.
Please, ain't nuthin rustled. I just get a kick out you rebel yellers talking shit about an area of the country that actually sent men off to war to END slavery while you hicks went to war to KEEP slavery.
I imagine it sucks picking your own cotton nowadays, but let's not waste our time trying to rewrite history, eh?
You're so rustled you're bringing up events that happened before my great-great grandpa(who was named Abraham Lincoln RIch FWIW) was born.
Ain't no rustlin, Cletus. Just setting you straight is all.
Tell me, how big is your family's biggest confederate flag?
P.S. Fuck Abe Lincoln and double fuck John Wilkes Booth.
Remember when that "one asshole" used all those different twitter handles to harass Joel Ward of the Caps.
Good times.
Yep, making generic white trash names and thinking they're good comebacks, and using generic jokes about southerns thinking they're clever. Yep, your jimmies are so rustled, it wouldn't be funny if I were capable of empathy.
Congrats on making the playoffs once this decade.You're right, they did get the mercy/loser spot in that AL playoffs last year. Probably should have just gone home.
Cletus is not generic and I'm not joking.
If you want to deny the history of the south that's on you.
You couldn't find Boston on a map.
NYC enacts unconstitutional stop and frisk policies to harass black men who have yet to commit a crime and Boston is racist?
Oh my, those NYC public schools are worse than I thought.
Can't win em all
For someone who's so defensive about potentially being labeled a racist, you sure do use the term '*****' a lot....*****&o=relevance&c[user][0]=8232
And there's this gem...
"It's bad enough that you are a self loathing Chicago slum *****"
how can race peddlers defend or explain this?
I remember bitching about the Braves getting bounced out of the first round in every playoff appearance since 2001. Those days sound pretty good right about now.
John Farrell is driving the Red Sox bus off the cliff right now and the Red Sox appear to be headed for a crappy season.
That being said @StanMarsh51 is still a SJW pussy and I look forward to having him kiss my ass.