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Black Thursday (Coaches fired thread)


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Oct 21, 2015
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I think i'd be ok giving Scott the chance to coach the Lakers for one more season. Especially if we get a top free agent or two and land Ingram or Simmons.

On the other hand if they fire him for Thibs or Luke i'd be ok with that too.

I think Lakers should go after Blatt. That would be 3 coaches in a row who went from Cavs to Lakers. (mainly a joke)

I think Blatt will be successful down the road sometime. But he will need a team that is coachable -- and strong support from the organization. (like Stevens' Celtic team)
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think Lakers should go after Blatt. That would be 3 coaches in a row who went from Cavs to Lakers. (mainly a joke)

I think Blatt will be successful down the road sometime. But he will need a team that is coachable -- and strong support from the organization. (like Stevens' Celtic team)

Blatt isn't a bad coach and I think a lot of teams would be happy to have him. The cavs were just stupid enough to fire an experienced coach with a 73% win percentage for the year.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Wittman should def get canned in Washington.....Scott should DEF. get canned in LAL......Karl in SAC is a possibility but i think he might survive...i think we could see a relatively low number of guys fired after this season compared to the usual number.

Blatt is not a bad option- especially for a young team...if a team could give him 2-3 years to grow in to the job they might have a really good coach.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I think Lakers should go after Blatt. That would be 3 coaches in a row who went from Cavs to Lakers. (mainly a joke)

I think Blatt will be successful down the road sometime. But he will need a team that is coachable -- and strong support from the organization. (like Stevens' Celtic team)
lol....that is kinda strange....Mike Brown goes from Cavs coach- is fired- the Lakers hire him---- Byron Scott- Cavs coach- fired--- Lakers hire him....very odd....

They just had the stat the other day where Scott is the most games under .500 of any coach in- its either NBA history- or just active coaches-- i THINK it was history- but not exactly sure....I think him and Wittman are the only 2 for sure firings. Lakers gotta fire Scott to sell FA's- get a more modern style coach...Wittman is just gonna take the fall for an overall very dissapointing year in WAshington- i gotta say- im very surprised the Wizards werent even COMPETITIVE for ap layoff spot down the stretch.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Is Demarcus happy now?
thats my first thought too....its a tough situation...obviously you hate giving in to a mal-content like DeMarcus....on the other hand- the guy has the talent- in my opinion anyway- to be a legit #1- or at worst GREAT GREAT #2 on a team that can do something if he ever got the RIGHt coach and a stable roster around him.

Its just really tough to identify and get the "right" coach...unless you want to give Cal 100$ million...


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Count me in the "Blatt would be a great hire" corner.

He's not a bad coach, he just made a lot of rookie mistakes. A lot of that comes in with too high of expectations and having to coach the best NBA player in the world, who pretty much calls his own shots.

In a newer situation, being able to implement his own system and not have to cater to any individual (who was also slighting him at every opportunity), he should have a really good shot to flourish.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Here's a couple of fits that I think would make sense:

David Blatt to Phoenix Suns. Blatt has always insisted he wants to build a running team and these guys are primed for it. Ego wouldn't be an issue with this team, especially after the season they just had. They have all the moving parts to work perfectly for the type of system Blatt would want to run. He could grow with this team and help their youth movement.

Mark Jackson to Minnesota Timberwolves. I've always said Mark Jackson is a great starter coach. He instilled a culture change in the Warriors that started on the defensive end of the court. He won't be a coach that can take a team deep into the playoffs, but he deserves credit for helping to develop the young guys. He was the one who gave Curry the keys to the car and let him make mistakes. He gave Klay the green light. He gave Draymond and opportunity to play. I think he would have a similar effect on a turnaround in Minnesota, with all their young talent.

Tom Thibodeau to the Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers are one of the most horrid defensive teams out there, and Thibs would be able to turn this around. He would also be a draw for bigger name Free Agents out there who want to work with an established coach. He's also been a part of Team USA, which helps rapport with some of the bigger name players also. He brings credentials to an uncertain team.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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Oh you know....just counting the days till my Mavericks get swept in the first round. How you been?

lol I feel you. hey, least you guys are INVITED to the dance...

anyways, took a little time off today and was just chillin'. and of course was thinking about the draft coming up. if we don't go receiver this time around i'm gonna talk shit about Andy Reid's momma...:lol:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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You're talking coaches, but the head coach in New York will always be Phil Jackson's bitch, so the guy has got to go.


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Dec 17, 2013
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Scott Brooks going to get a job somewhere.


Well-Known Member
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I want Thibs.

You and every other team under .500 (and probably half the teams over .500)

Here's a couple of fits that I think would make sense:

David Blatt to Phoenix Suns. Blatt has always insisted he wants to build a running team and these guys are primed for it. Ego wouldn't be an issue with this team, especially after the season they just had. They have all the moving parts to work perfectly for the type of system Blatt would want to run. He could grow with this team and help their youth movement.

Mark Jackson to Minnesota Timberwolves. I've always said Mark Jackson is a great starter coach. He instilled a culture change in the Warriors that started on the defensive end of the court. He won't be a coach that can take a team deep into the playoffs, but he deserves credit for helping to develop the young guys. He was the one who gave Curry the keys to the car and let him make mistakes. He gave Klay the green light. He gave Draymond and opportunity to play. I think he would have a similar effect on a turnaround in Minnesota, with all their young talent.

Tom Thibodeau to the Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers are one of the most horrid defensive teams out there, and Thibs would be able to turn this around. He would also be a draw for bigger name Free Agents out there who want to work with an established coach. He's also been a part of Team USA, which helps rapport with some of the bigger name players also. He brings credentials to an uncertain team.

I agree except for Jackson. To borrow a phrase from baseball, Towns is a 5 tool player. He's got the makings of what every other teams fear and knows is coming eventually; a big man that can post but has handle AND an outside shot; making him unguardable. Knowing Mark Jackson, I could easily see him parking Towns in the post and trying to make him a 90s throwback center. Luke Walton would be their best fit imo. Young coach so he can relate to all the young players and creative enough to really do some funky and fun things with that roster. I'd say him or Etorre Messina (who outside of Thibs and Walton is someone I'd really like for LA).

I think Jackson actually makes the most sense with the Kings. If you're keeping Boogie, Jackson seems like the type of guy that may be able to get through to him. I doubt he does because Boogie is basically uncoachable. But if everyone else has like a 10% chance of getting through to Boogie, Mark Jackson has like a 15% chance