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Bill Polian:Mariota Has Traits Like Brady And Manning


Jul 13, 2015
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Bill Polian: Marcus Mariota has traits like Tom Brady, Peyton Manning

There are some beautiful football minds who really believe that what we saw in Week 1 from the Tennessee Titans rookie quarterback is more indicative of what we'll see throughout Mariota's career.


Shutdown Corner spoke with 2015 Hall of Fame inductee Bill Polian, the architect of the Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers and Indianapolis Colts — all of whom drafted franchise quarterbacks under Polian's guidance — and asked him about Mariota.

Not about whether his Week 1 performance was a mirage or whether he's an instant start. But rather, we wanted to know from Polian, who receive his Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence at Sunday's Buffalo Bills-New England Patriots game, whether he thought Mariota had what it took to be built to last in the NFL as a sort of new breed of quarterback.

Polian has no doubts that Mariota possesses what it takes to thrive for years to come.

"He’s supremely intelligent. He has great football intelligence. He has incredibly high character. He’s got an incredible work ethic and incandescent leadership. Football people recognized it immediately,"

Polian said he thinks Mariota possesses rare intangibles that put him — at least in that department — in the same breath as some of the all-time greats.

"Regardless of what style of offense he eventually will play, he’s very special. He’s no different, really, in terms of the non-physical traits than Peyton Manning and Tom Brady," Polian said, doubling down on his pre-draft support for Mariota over Jameis Winston (whom Mariota clearly outplayed in Week 1) as the best quarterback available this year.

"He shares the characteristics that all successful quarterbacks in the NFL — especially in the recent NFL — have. He just was in a different system that requires a learning curve, and he’s going to go through that learning curve. That’s the way it’s supposed to be."

"It doesn’t matter whether he would have played the spread, the single-wing, the Dead T … it didn’t matter at all. He has all the capabilities that every great quarterback has."

We certainly know there are different players, with different strengths and weaknesses, and Mariota's groundedness and maturity appear to be of a different ilk.

Polian hammers home that last point and said those qualities will allow him to adapt to whatever environment he's put in. Brady and Manning? Yes, Polian feels Mariota has the same intangible qualities of two of the all-time greats, and we should take Polian at his word. After all, he drafted Manning and faced Brady umpteen times over the years.


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Anyone can have 1 good game, great players are the consistent ones... he's got A LOT to prove ...


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Let's just give him the MVP and the Lombardi right now


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Oh jesus, we have another Andrew Luck.


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Oct 22, 2014
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I like the guy and think he's going to be a good 1 but he's not going to be close to what Brady and Manning are.


Jul 13, 2015
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They don't go around saying this about every QB that comes down the pike. Also someone like Polian sure as hell knows a good QB when he sees one and has been in the league forever so his words definitely hold some weight. I am trying to be positive and upbeat and i think we've all seen this coming for quite awhile it isn't like he just arrived on the scene he has been doing good things in the sport of football for a good four years or so starting in college and not only did he win most of his games but 105TD/14INT is one of the best ratios of all time in college football.

Mariota has not only the mental but the physical part to go along with it. He reminds me a bit of Peyton Manning coming out Tennessee he won nearly all of his games and you could tell by the way he played he would do good in the NFL. He was clocked with one of the fastest runs in week one. He really hasn't had to use his legs but he is good using his mobility and in the pocket so he is a true dual threat.

I do hope we found ourselves a franchise QB would be great to get back to winning regularly once again. The only thing in my honest opinion that can stop Mariota from having a good year would be injury. As far as the comment about us having another Luck i would be quite happy to have a QB that caliber running my team because they don't grow on trees.

Not really sure what to expect or whats going to happen but i hope it is just the beginning. Not every fan gets to have a good franchise caliber QB especially the really good ones that have played many years in the NFL like Manning,Brady,Rodgers,Roethlisberger,Brees. Those guys are like the top echelon and all are champs i would love to have a QB of that caliber. Then there is the next level of guys like Luck,Romo,Rivers,Ryan all of these are damn good QB's but have never won a title. Then you have Wilson,Flacco,Manning,Palmer,Smith,Newton,Stafford etc. these are some really good QB's as well.

I would be very satisfied to have Mariota be as good as any of the QB's i named above.


Jul 13, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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I like the guy and think he's going to be a good 1 but he's not going to be close to what Brady and Manning are.

He may or may not ever be as close to what Brady/Manning are. The path he has charted so far if you really sit down and look what he has done is incredible. Since he entered the collegiate level he won nearly all of his games there and i've already mentioned he has one of the best TD/INT ratios in college history. Whats impressive is after his college days are over he has entered the NFL and so far he really hasn't skipped a beat and has played pretty much as well as he did in college. His preseason numbers were 21 of 30 passes completed,70% completion rate,326 yards,11 yards a throw,1 TD/1INT with a 102.9 passer rating. Then in his first game he set an NFL record for being the first rookie to ever throw 4TD in his first game and have a perfect pass rating in his first game. Every few years there tends to be a new QB come out that is really good and its about time because the last good QB's were Luck and Wilson three years prior. Few years prior to that Flacco and Ryan came out. Few years prior to that Rodgers,Roethlisberger,Rivers,Manning arrived.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I love football and I'm a Brady fan. I am not one of those who hope that nobody will ever be better than Brady.
If this kid turns out to be this good, so be it......


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All new QBs will try to emulate masters of the game. It's logical.


Aug 8, 2013
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They don't go around saying this about every QB that comes down the pike. Also someone like Polian sure as hell knows a good QB when he sees one and has been in the league forever so his words definitely hold some weight. I am trying to be positive and upbeat and i think we've all seen this coming for quite awhile it isn't like he just arrived on the scene he has been doing good things in the sport of football for a good four years or so starting in college and not only did he win most of his games but 105TD/14INT is one of the best ratios of all time in college football.

Mariota has not only the mental but the physical part to go along with it. He reminds me a bit of Peyton Manning coming out Tennessee he won nearly all of his games and you could tell by the way he played he would do good in the NFL. He was clocked with one of the fastest runs in week one. He really hasn't had to use his legs but he is good using his mobility and in the pocket so he is a true dual threat.

I do hope we found ourselves a franchise QB would be great to get back to winning regularly once again. The only thing in my honest opinion that can stop Mariota from having a good year would be injury. As far as the comment about us having another Luck i would be quite happy to have a QB that caliber running my team because they don't grow on trees.

Not really sure what to expect or whats going to happen but i hope it is just the beginning. Not every fan gets to have a good franchise caliber QB especially the really good ones that have played many years in the NFL like Manning,Brady,Rodgers,Roethlisberger,Brees. Those guys are like the top echelon and all are champs i would love to have a QB of that caliber. Then there is the next level of guys like Luck,Romo,Rivers,Ryan all of these are damn good QB's but have never won a title. Then you have Wilson,Flacco,Manning,Palmer,Smith,Newton,Stafford etc. these are some really good QB's as well.

I would be very satisfied to have Mariota be as good as any of the QB's i named above.
Too early to call anything. Mariota looked good against the worst team in the NFL. Let's get a few games under the belt and revisit.

BTW - How come every one of your posts is like a novel? I'm not ripping you or saying there is no substance because there is. But geez, it gets exhausting.


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He threw for 200 yards. Most passes were 5 yards. I'm not impressed.


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It's ridiculous the way all sports jump the gun to announce the new greatest.


They're just whoring for attention.


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Go to bed, Bill Polian.. . .. .

. . . . .YER DRUNK!!


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I love football and I'm a Brady fan. I am not one of those who hope that nobody will ever be better than Brady.
If this kid turns out to be this good, so be it......
So if Malibu gives me a "bullshit" for this post, I can only imagine what he would rate me for describing him?


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Dec 4, 2013
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I prefer Peyton over Brady*. Also like Marino and Montanna over Peyton and Brady*. Mariota is showing signs he might be the real deal. But lets give him some time before anointing him. Tampa's defense was as bad as Seattle's last week. I hope he has a long successful career. Titans in the superbowl!


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I want to see what the Browns secondary has in store for him. I think we'll know a lot more after this week.