He was knuckle-deep in his cousin.
Cincinats trophy room:
All the participation trophies are out for polishing though.
Balls, you beat me to it. Too eager to mock clowntown's uglier cousin.And he would reply with......
They changed that case......
The lawyers now use it for all the convicts on the team.
Packman Jones gets two shelves.
Okay, that made no sense whatsoever? They put convicts on a shelf??WTF??
Misko, your boy psyc ward has no sense!
You didn't say paperwork, you said convicts! Did you vote for Hillary?
Haters gonna hate on "AMERICA'S TEAM".
I'm out, missing GH!
You mean, América's Team.The Bengals are "AMERICA'S TEAM".................not the Cowboys? What kind of world do you live in?
Good bye for now, I love you all! Until next time.