Well-Known Member
I can't believe they didn't take David Backes - Robert Esche had a few good years but David Backes has been pretty good for a while now
Neither one of them is a first line centre
I can't believe they didn't take David Backes - Robert Esche had a few good years but David Backes has been pretty good for a while now
I guess Robert just esched by Backes...
Thought of another 42: Tom Preissing
Sergei Makarov wore #42 for the Flames.
Yeah, I thought of him but I think they're counting him as a 24.
But that was Pepper Peplinski (lol)
But that was Pepper Peplinski (lol)
You're the fucking best Bellows!
Trottier was great but a tier below those other guys. He really fell off in his 30s.
They're three of my all-time favourites but Trottier was the undisputed #1 C on a 4-time cup winner. In a great era.
Neither of the other two can say that. Either the undisputed #1 part, nor the 4 time cup thing.
He was the #1 centre, but there's a pretty strong argument that he was only the 3rd best player on those teams. So same kind of problem really.
I love Trottier too, but he's got the fewest points, games and points per game of the three despite playing in the best offensive environment. You can see the general effect of the latter by looking at their adjusted points... Sakic and Yzerman are within 20 adjusted points of one another while Trottier is about 500 behind them. I'm not suggesting it's a perfect measure, but that's a huge difference.
I'm fine with the other 2 having more longevity. Adjusted stats are great but some of Trottier's best years are in the 70 and some of Stevie Y's in the 80's. Sawoff to me.
Of the three only one won the Art Ross.
Sure you could argue that Bossy and/or Potvin were better than Trottier (can't much argue with Potvin IMO) but the fact remains that the most important skater position (#1C) on 4 Cup winners (in a row mind you) was filled by Trottier. The number 2 C was a pretty huge step back for the Isle. Can't say that for Yzerman or Sakic.
I'm not saying he's clear cut among the 19s but Trottier certainly isn't a second class citizen to Yzerman or Sakic. He's really more of a role model for them probably.
But if it were truly a "sawoff" we wouldn't expect the point gap to grow so much when adjusted.
Sakic was 32 and Yzerman was 36 by the time Gretzky, Mario and Jagr (3 guys who Trottier wouldn't have topped either) released their stranglehold on the Art Ross. When Trottier was 32 he had 45 points in 73 games, getting outscored by the likes of David Volek on his own team. When he was 36 he was busy working in the Isles front office after a 29 point season the previous year. Without Gretzky, Lemieux and Jagr in the league Yzerman has an Art Ross as well, and Sakic has two. And neither had the best goal scorer of all time on their wing.
Trottier's not a second class citizen, when he was good he was as good as Sakic and Yzerman, maybe even a hair better. But his best years were fewer and he wasn't good for as long, which drops his career value a notch below them both I think.
And like I said before, I think I'm taking Big Bird here anywayI think Sakic's career is probably the best of these three though.
The real takeaway for the kids out there, pick in the 50s and 60s if you want to make the wall!
It might not be him in the future, but right now? Yep.
Thought of another 42: Tom Preissing
I'm staying out of this! I know who'd I'd pick!!
Honestly, I think you could pick any of those guys and there'd be a nice debate about why your guy didn't get picked.
I also think in about 5 years from now, Fedorov is going to get pushed out of that spot. There's three guys right now that could easily take that spot.