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Bennett no Discount


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Price Of Winning

The vast majority of players follow the money...I think it's easy for us to say what players should or should not do, they know they're only a play away from being out of the league for good. I think most players want to win, I know ALL players want to get paid the most they can.

Retaining a championship team is probably harder than building one because of the cap.


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The only way I'd be upset with him is if info comes out that Seattle matched or was a little off and he chose to play for an NFC West team instead of us only because I though he really liked it here and to go to a rival would hurt for a few days. After all as others have said this is his livelihood and unlike baseball the Seahawks and everyone else will cut you the moment they can so get what you can and play somewhere you like. example see Rice, everyone already put Rice on the free market, meaning he's not going to see the rest of his contract.


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I think golden tate said it best when talking about a discount to stay in seattle

"I could go test the free agent market and get paid more to go to a team thats not as good as us but the idea of playing somewhere where the fans dont care much for you, the seats in the stadium are half empty,where the team wins like 1 or 2 games a month, where the main goal is just to make the playoffs isnt that exciting."

Let's be honest, though. Tate is leaving a lot less on the table than a lot of other guys would have to.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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A couple of points:

I am assuming that Bennett did play more than 50% of the snaps. My guess is that it was more like 75% of the snaps. Like I stated: He was able to play in any of the packages and be both good in run support and excellent in pressuring the passer. I could be wrong but I think that Mebane is the only other guy on the DL that played regularly in normal, rushing, and passing sets.

I believe that he was much more valuable than some people here think and I certainly believe that he should be a much higher priority than Tate.

I know that it is highly unlikely but the Seahawks could franchise tag him. It could be done at least temporarily to keep the contract negotiatons exclusive and then it can be removed by a certain date (not sure what the dates are for this time frame). Of course the downside is that it tends to piss the players off when you do this.


I think his real impact is being understated a lot. There are not many linemen with his versatility and skillset, the only one that I can think of is Justin Tuck. They took a chance on Jason Jones last year thinking that he may be able to do the same things, but that didn't work out. I cant forget how this team struggled to get pressure for years and in 13 the Hawks led the league in QB hurries, IMO he was the catalyst for that. He's not the most important player on the team, but he is the most important player on the line. If they dont have him, I dont feel nearly as good about the pass rush going in to next year as I would if they hold on to him.


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Bennett will get paid and Seattle will be the team playing.

Bennett is the entire reason the defense went from very good to elite this year. A ton of QB pressures came from him and he's a certain mold that can play DT in passing downs.

He'll be a Seahawk, and he's the most valuable lineman on the team.

I wouldn't go that far. Bennett was certainly one of the reasons the defensive line (and, by extension, the entire defense) improved and he may even have been the main reason, but to say that he was the entire reason diminishes the contributions that the rest of the guys on the line made. Avril, for example, was a strip-sack machine this year. He was great in the role that he played on the defense and I'd love to see him in a Seahawks uniform for years to come, but if calling him "expendable" is undervaluing his contributions, then saying he's "the entire reason the defense went from very good to elite this year" is overvaluing them.

The Seahawks are clearly not going to get him for the same price they were able to get him for this year and I think that's the only message he was trying to send Schneider and the front office with his "no discounts" talk. They're gonna have to pay more to keep him if that's what they want to do, otherwise he's gonna go somewhere else. What remains to be seen is how much more he's gonna want and how that compares to how much more the Hawks will be willing to give him. Will they value him as too important to let leave as you clearly do or will they have a price that they won't go over with an accompanying list of priorities should Bennett decide that he wants more? We'll see how it goes.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Bennett is the entire reason the defense went from very good to elite this year. A ton of QB pressures came from him and he's a certain mold that can play DT in passing downs.

What a load of hogwash. The Seahawks went from the #1 scoring defense in 2012 to the #1 scoring defense in 2013. The team gave up a whopping 14 more points in 2012 than in 2013, so I would say the defense was already elite before he got here. Besides, there are plenty of reasons that the Seahawks defense improved in 2013.

Like, replacing Brandon Browner with Byron Maxwell halfway through the year. I really liked Browner, but Maxwell outplayed him.

Replacing Marcus Trufant's subpar play at the nickel with Walter Thurmond, and Jeremy Lane filling in admirably when Thurmond was suspended.

Malcolm Smith playing lights out most of the year, and being a definite upgrade over LeRoy Hill.

The McTwins providing a deeper and more consistent rotation at DT than Branch and Jones gave in 2012.

Then there is what I saw as better game management by Quinn over what Bradley did. Nothing against Bradley, just seems that Quinn was the better game planner.

This defense was elite before Bennett got here, maybe not historic, but there were a lot of players who contributed a large amount to the defense going on from where they were in 2012 to what people were talking about after the Super Bowl.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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What a load of hogwash. The Seahawks went from the #1 scoring defense in 2012 to the #1 scoring defense in 2013. The team gave up a whopping 14 more points in 2012 than in 2013, so I would say the defense was already elite before he got here. Besides, there are plenty of reasons that the Seahawks defense improved in 2013.

Like, replacing Brandon Browner with Byron Maxwell halfway through the year. I really liked Browner, but Maxwell outplayed him.

Replacing Marcus Trufant's subpar play at the nickel with Walter Thurmond, and Jeremy Lane filling in admirably when Thurmond was suspended.

Malcolm Smith playing lights out most of the year, and being a definite upgrade over LeRoy Hill.

The McTwins providing a deeper and more consistent rotation at DT than Branch and Jones gave in 2012.

Then there is what I saw as better game management by Quinn over what Bradley did. Nothing against Bradley, just seems that Quinn was the better game planner.

This defense was elite before Bennett got here, maybe not historic, but there were a lot of players who contributed a large amount to the defense going on from where they were in 2012 to what people were talking about after the Super Bowl.

While I agree that the defense would have improved with or without him, that interior disruption that he provides is not easily duplicated and it changes the complexion of the defense more than any other addition IMO. This next year we're facing a lot better quality of pocket passers than this last year, I think he would be even more valuable in 14 than he was in 13.


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Whether he stays or not depends on how much he is asking for. He turns 29 in the 2014 season so he isn't young in football years. If he wants a long term contract for a lot we would be better off just drafting a few D Lineman and developing them.


The Real Deal
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only one mans opinion, but keeping ALL off season comings and goings in one thread is silly imo. Our boards not overly cluddered. I think this type of talk deserves its own thread.

back on topic, wondering what his real value is, he didn't get the big deal last year, and this past years stats were basically the same, he is one year older now.

But I agree I begrudge no player for taking the money and running for the bigger offer when the team can turn around and cut bait ala Zack Miller when the contract gets unbeneficial for the team. (or is millers contract just now getting better for the team) either way you guys get what im getting at.

damn straight, we could use a cat like Bennet in Oakland, I am sure he won't be like our Curry deal.



Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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damn straight, we could use a cat like Bennet in Oakland, I am sure he won't be like our Curry deal.


I dont know why you're :gaah: about Curry. He may have been a bee sting to the Raiders but he was a gunshot to Seahawks.


The Real Deal
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I dont know why you're :gaah: about Curry. He may have been a bee sting to the Raiders but he was a gunshot to Seahawks.

Just one of many, I always liked the Cable guy and Zach, it was bittersweet watching them succeed in Seattle, Curry was just a sidenote. We have made so many bad moves over the years, just a few slices, Marcus Allen, Shanahan, Sapp, Deangelo Hall, Moss, Jsyzzurp, good God it's been very hard to be a Raider fan for quite a while if you've been paying attention. Al Davis was the Raiders, and in addition to his genius and innovation, we have paid a price for the other side of his psyche.

I am quietly hopeful that things are beginning to turn around.


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Just one of many, I always liked the Cable guy and Zach, it was bittersweet watching them succeed in Seattle, Curry was just a sidenote. We have made so many bad moves over the years, just a few slices, Marcus Allen, Shanahan, Sapp, Deangelo Hall, Moss, Jsyzzurp, good God it's been very hard to be a Raider fan for quite a while if you've been paying attention. Al Davis was the Raiders, and in addition to his genius and innovation, we have paid a price for the other side of his psyche.

I am quietly hopeful that things are beginning to turn around.

Yep it's all about the decisions up-top… Raiders haven't had someone making good choices for a while now… You guy's have also had some bad luck with some top picks that set you back … Sometimes that can be flat out just bad luck… You never know for sure how a draft pick will pan out at the next level so there always prospects until proven otherwise… That's why you always want to stack up on draft picks and keep those later round picks because gold show's up there sometimes…


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
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Franchise tag primer: Predictions for all 32 NFL teams - NFL.com

This nfl.com article suggests that the Seahawks should cut Clemons so they could franchise Bennett. So, the question is, is it worth $12.6 million to have Bennett here next year (estimated franchise contract for DE)?

I wouldn't franchise him mostly because I don't believe that any contract he gets would even guarantee him much more than that anyway. I say the Seahawks should give him an offer of what they believe to be his worth and go from there. Bennett was an excellent player last year, but there are few players I'd tie $12m in cap space up on.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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But a franchise tag only ties him up for one year doesn't it? They have the cap space this year even if they work deals for a few of the guys they want to lock up. It's next year it will get tough. Bennett won't stay for less than a 4 year contract I'd bet. Are we better off only going one year and reconsidering our options to not tie up that money past next year when wilson's payday comes.


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A long-term contract would be preferable if they plan to have him back. I don't think he'd go for a one-year deal again and I don't think the Seahawks would want to pay him what they'd have to pay him if they were to franchise him. Going long-term would allow them to structure the deal in a way that would allow him to still get paid a lot of money without handcuffing the team in terms of being able to take care of their other priorities.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Bennett statistically speaking had the exact same year as the one prior. The prior year there wasn't a huge money offer out there. Why do we think there will be this year?


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Bennett statistically speaking had the exact same year as the one prior. The prior year there wasn't a huge money offer out there. Why do we think there will be this year?

Well he was rated 3rd by PFF (most teams use their analysis to gauge a players value) in DE value at least in the pass rush and 5th overall when including his run stopping skills. He was also top 10 by NFL stats in what they call Total Pressure (combined sacks, hurries, and hits on the quarterback). In that he ended up ranked 3rd overall for percentage of plays where he applied pressure. There is already rumors of many teams being linked to him if Seattle lets him hit the open market so he definitely going to get a very nice contract wherever he goes. Throw in he is versatile in he can play both outside and inside. With the way the NFL is these days you need players that can play multiple positions.


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Well he was rated 3rd by PFF (most teams use their analysis to gauge a players value) in DE value at least in the pass rush and 5th overall when including his run stopping skills. He was also top 10 by NFL stats in what they call Total Pressure (combined sacks, hurries, and hits on the quarterback). In that he ended up ranked 3rd overall for percentage of plays where he applied pressure. There is already rumors of many teams being linked to him if Seattle lets him hit the open market so he definitely going to get a very nice contract wherever he goes. Throw in he is versatile in he can play both outside and inside. With the way the NFL is these days you need players that can play multiple positions.

Interesting stats, thanks for sharing. I never got into the advanced stats in baseball, have no idea how you calculate WAR etc.

We shall see, I have said earlier in the thread I dont think a player should take any discount either cause much like sidney rice, zack miller chris clemons will be cut this year cause they make too much. As a player you owe it to yourself to get as much money when you can cause that window is so short.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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There's a lot of fat that can be trimmed. I dont think it's hopeless at all to retain Bennett.