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Bennett no Discount


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Seahawks DE Michael Bennett on Seattle discount: This isn't Costco - CBSSports.com

so michael bennett says he wont give a discount to the seahawks and that this isnt costco, we paid him $5 million last season and from the way it sounds hes gonna want more than that if we want to keep him. Personally I like the guy but I think we should let him go to free agency. he isnt an every down DE, never made the pro bowl, never made it to double digit sacks in his career, hes turning 29 next year I dont think we should give him a multi year deal. every year the team that wins the superbowl they get players that feel that they should get a pay raise or a multi year deal. I think the feeling is mutual business is business if you want to play in chicago with your brother and win 8-9 games a season then go ahead.

we built a great team through the draft no sense in stopping now, whats everyones opinion?


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It's not like he hid the fact when we signed him. He took the deal because he didn't like any of the other deals and was willing to take the chance to increase his market value. I'd do the same thing if I were him. He doesn't have many years left and now's the time to cash in for him.


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Why would he take any less then the maximum contract he can find?

Why would any player do that, when the team can cut them at any time, look at the talks we've had, team has to cut/restructure Rice, Miller, Clemens

In this off season Mike Rob got cut . Its a bidness and this thought of a discount is foolish

Mr. Tacoma

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If we lay a respectable offer on the table and he still wants to chase a few more dollars to another franchise let him. If he honestly doesn't care where he plays, all he's looking for is top dollar, then adios! He was outstanding this season but I think we'll survive without him.

I don't expect players to take a massive pay cut to stay here but if we're talking about nickles and dimes? If I was a player I'd take a long hard look at where I had to go to work everyday and decide if leaving a world class facility like VMAC behind is worth a few more dollars.


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I'll say this: Bennett was great in his role on this defense and I don't blame him at all for wanting to cash in now that he has a ring. However, given how this defense operates, he's not irreplaceable and if he wants more than the Seahawks are willing to give him to come back, it was fun while it lasted.


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Same topic in the Seahawk talk thread and it was posted first. Just FYI.


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How was he not an everydown player??

He was a solid DE against the run and a force in the pass rush from the DE position and he moved to DT where he got consistant pressure on passing downs.

All of the DL players rotate to keep them fresh. But Bennett was certainly an everydown player in the strictest sense of the word.

I personally think that he is the most important player to keep from this offseasons FA group, but I could also see him pricing himself off of the team. Next years group of FA players has several more important big money pieces and the year after is the same.


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How was he not an everydown player??

He was a solid DE against the run and a force in the pass rush from the DE position and he moved to DT where he got consistant pressure on passing downs.

All of the DL players rotate to keep them fresh. But Bennett was certainly an everydown player in the strictest sense of the word.

I personally think that he is the most important player to keep from this offseasons FA group, but I could also see him pricing himself off of the team. Next years group of FA players has several more important big money pieces and the year after is the same.

but when you give him a huge contract what are you paying for? your paying for a player that plays in 50% of the defensive snaps, a player that comes in on obvious passing plays, a player that if your very lucky might get 10 sacks in one season, most likely wont make the pro bowl, the list can continue I feel that if anything we can draft a LB and move Bruce Irvin back to that role.

I dont blame him for moving on if i was a pro athelete i would be playing for money i could care less about a ring. If he test free agency a team will over pay to sign him and at the end of the day your only going to get 8 or 9 sacks


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but when you give him a huge contract what are you paying for? your paying for a player that plays in 50% of the defensive snaps, a player that comes in on obvious passing plays, a player that if your very lucky might get 10 sacks in one season, most likely wont make the pro bowl, the list can continue I feel that if anything we can draft a LB and move Bruce Irvin back to that role.

I dont blame him for moving on if i was a pro athelete i would be playing for money i could care less about a ring. If he test free agency a team will over pay to sign him and at the end of the day your only going to get 8 or 9 sacks

I'm not for over paying, but he was a better run stopper than Avril or Irvin and Clemons most likely will not be back. You mentions sacks, but how about the number of times he pressured the QB, without actually getting a sack? Hard to find players who can get pressure from the tackle position and also be a very good DE. I think you under estimate him.


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my fault i dont normally read on going threads

No worries here, I don't open those threads either. Takes entirely too long to get caught up with whats been discussed.


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I don't read that other thread either, like ever, so I'll just post here that I'm disappointed in all of the Seahawk fans (not up here) around the area dumping on him and calling him out for doing what's probably right for him and his family. He took a 1y deal at less than his perceived value to showcase his skills and get a payday and now he wants that payday. I see no problems with it at all. How do we expect loyalty from a guy who played one year for us and took a cut in pay already to do so? Just plain stupid to expect him to do anything else. And frankly, probably just as dumb to really expect any of the others including Tate to do so as well.


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I don't read that other thread either, like ever, so I'll just post here that I'm disappointed in all of the Seahawk fans (not up here) around the area dumping on him and calling him out for doing what's probably right for him and his family. He took a 1y deal at less than his perceived value to showcase his skills and get a payday and now he wants that payday. I see no problems with it at all. How do we expect loyalty from a guy who played one year for us and took a cut in pay already to do so? Just plain stupid to expect him to do anything else. And frankly, probably just as dumb to really expect any of the others including Tate to do so as well.

Guess it's time to unsticky it and let it die.


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Guess it's time to unsticky it and let it die.

only one mans opinion, but keeping ALL off season comings and goings in one thread is silly imo. Our boards not overly cluddered. I think this type of talk deserves its own thread.

back on topic, wondering what his real value is, he didn't get the big deal last year, and this past years stats were basically the same, he is one year older now.

But I agree I begrudge no player for taking the money and running for the bigger offer when the team can turn around and cut bait ala Zack Miller when the contract gets unbeneficial for the team. (or is millers contract just now getting better for the team) either way you guys get what im getting at.


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only one mans opinion, but keeping ALL off season comings and goings in one thread is silly imo. Our boards not overly cluddered. I think this type of talk deserves its own thread.

back on topic, wondering what his real value is, he didn't get the big deal last year, and this past years stats were basically the same, he is one year older now.

But I agree I begrudge no player for taking the money and running for the bigger offer when the team can turn around and cut bait ala Zack Miller when the contract gets unbeneficial for the team. (or is millers contract just now getting better for the team) either way you guys get what im getting at.

I live and learn. I also unsticky a couple of other threads that no longer serve a purpose.


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I hope this doesn't have anyone upset at Bennett. I just don't think we can afford to get him what he deserves, given his performance. I would hope the Hawks will lay out the best offer they can for him, explain that it is the best we can do, given our financials, and let him see what other offers are out there, and if the extra money away from Seattle is enough more than we can offer to leave a place where he appears to be happy.
I'll have no hard feelings toward him if he takes a bigger contract elsewhere.


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He might just be setting the tone before negotiations begin. His brother did an interview and he said that his brother likes it in Seattle and the fact that it's a shorter flight to Hawaii is a big plus. He's probably looking for something competitive from the Hawks and not way out of line with what he'd get somewhere else. My opinion is that he's earned the deal he's going to get. Signing a 1 year deal at a physical position like that is a huge risk and he excelled. He deserves the payoff. The thing he might be setting himself up for is going to another team, under-performing, and getting toasted by the fans and press.


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Bennett plays hard but he has to cash in sooner rather than later. He is 28 years old and this is his last chance for a nice contract. If he signs a 4 year deal some place or even here he will be 32 when it ends. It's now or never for him. He took a chance on his career and had success. The thing is that he most likely will not have that same success on a different team. Also 8.5 Sacks can be replaced with a rookie or a FA( Irvin had 8 his rookie year )

He has a chance to get his one and only pay day so i say go for it. I would love for him to be a Hawks next year but i will not be heart broken if he leaves. He is a replaceable cog in the Hawks front 4 rotation.

Mr. Tacoma

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Bennett plays hard but he has to cash in sooner rather than later. He is 28 years old and this is his last chance for a nice contract. If he signs a 4 year deal some place or even here he will be 32 when it ends. It's now or never for him. He took a chance on his career and had success. The thing is that he most likely will not have that same success on a different team. Also 8.5 Sacks can be replaced with a rookie or a FA( Irvin had 8 his rookie year )

He has a chance to get his one and only pay day so i say go for it. I would love for him to be a Hawks next year but i will not be heart broken if he leaves. He is a replaceable cog in the Hawks front 4 rotation.

Bennett was outstanding this season but he was one piece in a large puzzle. I don't begrudge him for looking for a fat payday but I hope he would consider staying if our offer is at least competitive with the others he's sure to get. Love to see him stay, won't blame him for leaving if he's offered crazy money somewhere else.

Either way we'll compete next year barring an injury apocalypse.


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I'll say this: Bennett was great in his role on this defense and I don't blame him at all for wanting to cash in now that he has a ring. However, given how this defense operates, he's not irreplaceable and if he wants more than the Seahawks are willing to give him to come back, it was fun while it lasted.

My thoughts exactly. There is still legit concern about that shoulder of his in the longterm and he's going to be hitting 30 soon. It's a risky call.

But if he wants to take max money somewhere else, god bless and cya. He was a very productive DE this year, he's not the only player in the NFL that can help us there.