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Bengals and Reds: Is there any difference?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Manassas Virginia
Hoopla Cash
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Ok. I stumbled across this comment by Marvin Lewis and puked in my oatmeal this morning:

Prior to him (Baker) being here you look at him as a manager who has been so successful with his style and having the opportunity to meet with him once he’s been there,” Lewis said. “His style is very similar to a football coaches style. Very fundamental that’s what’s important to him and guys doing it the right way and that’s the way he sees things. It’s not far off what we’re trying to achieve here.”

Are you fucking kidding me? What fuckin planet did this guy fall off of? Did he not see the same shit we saw for 163 games? Or this guy an idiot too? First of all, if you think DustMop was very fundamental, it didn't show on the field. He may have been fundamental in fucking up a talented franchise but his players were not fundamental and they were far from doing it the right way.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Marvin Lewis is actually quite similar to Dusty. Nice guy by all accounts, the players seem to enjoy playing for him, and he's an extremely mediocre coach. I have never seen someone use timeouts and challenges as poorly as Marvin Lewis. He also seems to dislike playing with a sense of urgency, so that's another trait he shares with Dusty. I do think Lewis holds himself accountable much better than Dusty.

I actually think the Bengals are in a similar situation as the Reds where they have a coach who is getting them enough wins to be competitive, but he can't put them over the edge. The Bengals still haven't won a playoff game in what like 20 years? The big difference between the Bengals and the Reds is the front office. The Bengals were my number one NFL team for a while with the Packers right behind them, but I realized that as long as Mike Brown is in charge, the Bengals aren't going anywhere. So now their my number two. Brown has no idea how to put together a successful team. He is unwilling to shell out the money required to surround talented pieces with adequate weapons. Instead, he gets discounts on convicts, washed up veterans, and injury-prone softies. I still won't buy any Bengals merchandise and I won't attend a game at PBS because of that cancer running the team.

Marvin's only a small piece of the Bengals problem, but yes I agree with you, his comment on Dusty is dumbfounding. Nothing about Dusty's tenure screamed "fundamental" or "guys doing it the right way."


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Baseball is soooo familiar- the American game...that everyone thinks they know sonething about it, and they're usually right- they just don't know as much as they think they do. I guess Im guilty too. The problem is, the media knows as little or less than most, but they get listened to. Society has been groomed for a long time to be politically correct, which infortunately has an unwritten law that criticizing a minority is racism. Dusty Baker gets a lot of good press, and little open criticism. So, the less informed believe he's a great manager.

Dusty will be remembered as one of the all time winningest managers- he earned that. His legacy may not be complete yet, but he hasn't win the big one yet though. That has haunted great and good and mediocre alike.

It's water under the bridge now, Dusty is gone. It may be overly optimistic, but I think generally among Reds fans, it's a time for optimism. It's an opportunity to do better at an aspect lacking in our Reds. Time will tell.


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Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, The Reds are my favorite baseball team which I have follow almost all my life. the Bengals didn't even exist till I was 18.


Aristocratic Hoosier
Apr 17, 2013
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I recall my youth getting the b-w version of the old Cleveland Browns on Channel 9 ... back when Milt Plum and Jim Brown ran rampant. Never cared for any other pro football team. Lou (the Toe) Groza was the kicker AND a defensive lineman.

I recall the first years of the Bengals and how they sucked ... then got a kid named Greg Cook from UC who was a quarterback like nobody had ever seen. They finally got to about .500 with Cook. Even so, I never much cared for the Bengals beyond not wanting them to lose to the other guys. I recall their Kenny Andersen days, thought that was fairly cool.

Still, I find no NFL team worth my effort. I was OK with the Colts until they tanked the final game a few years back and let the Jets into the playoffs. Thought that was really low class.

Bengals always seemed very poorly managed, top to bottom.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Mike Brown=NFL's Loria.

He's a piece of work. Needs a GM, but is too cheap to pay one. Marvin Lewis was a low bid hire, and is still there for same reasons. Bengals occasionally do better than expected, but will probably fall short similar to a Dusty Baker kind of thing.