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Baltimore at Texas, the Second Half & ESPN RIP


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Jul 2, 2013
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And to think, I thought that I was gonna be the only person bagging on Washington tonight...lol. The players may love him, but Wash needs to start cracking down a LOT harder to get more effort from his team. There is simply no excuse for this team to be playing so poorly. Simply put it has far too much talent.
No, that's a pretty common theme around here. Hallow as it is.


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Jul 15, 2013
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The Rangers limped into the All Star Break and seem to be picking up right where they left off. So far they're playing on a lackadaisical and sloppy note while the hitting still sux. I agree with earlier comments that Washington has lost (or is losing the team)...hell, I said that as early as last year when the team essentially cratered in the midst of a pennant race. My question is...at what point do you think Wash ends up on the hot seat in terms of his job being in danger? I agree that he won't be fired this season, nor during the off-season. JD/Noland continue to give him a ton of weapons; if the team continues to backslide (or fails to progress) I think he might not make through next season. Thoughts...comments?


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Jul 2, 2013
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Sounds just about right 1prboy. It'll be next year. I have this feeling JD will put a ton of the blame on himself and on injuries. And Wash will be more accountable next year. Fair or not.


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Jul 3, 2013
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At least they showed signs of life. We need a bat, and soon. Our defense has been just as poor. Nelly and Leonys both turned balls they could have caught without jumping into extra bases. They look disengaged all the time now. Murphy is coming around though. Either trade for Rios, or call up Manny.
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Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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At least they showed signs of life. We need a bat, and soon. Our defense has been just as poor. Nelly and Leonys both turned balls they could have caught without jumping into extra bases. They look disengaged all the time now. Murphy is coming around though. Either trade for Rios, or call up Manny.

Call up manny. What do we have to lose?


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Jul 15, 2013
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At least they showed signs of life. We need a bat, and soon. Our defense has been just as poor. Nelly and Leonys both turned balls they could have caught without jumping into extra bases. They look disengaged all the time now. Murphy is coming around though. Either trade for Rios, or call up Manny.

Injuries not withstanding, I still put a lot of the blame for the ongoing struggles at the plate and defensive lapses squarely on the shoulders of Ron Washington. It's the job of the manager to properly motivate his team and make the necessary changes when that motivation fails to work. I've heard Wash say on more than one occasion that the Rangers are a veteran ballclub and that they'll come around on their own; for that reason he tends to take a very hands off approach to managing. A hands off approach may work when the team is clicking on all cylinders; but when its not and players are starting to get sloppy and disengaged it's the job of the manager to bring them back into line. Ron Washington is not doing in my opinion.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Injuries not withstanding, I still put a lot of the blame for the ongoing struggles at the plate and defensive lapses squarely on the shoulders of Ron Washington. It's the job of the manager to properly motivate his team and make the necessary changes when that motivation fails to work. I've heard Wash say on more than one occasion that the Rangers are a veteran ballclub and that they'll come around on their own; for that reason he tends to take a very hands off approach to managing. A hands off approach may work when the team is clicking on all cylinders; but when its not and players are starting to get sloppy and disengaged it's the job of the manager to bring them back into line. Ron Washington is not doing in my opinion.

Exactly. For all washington's shortcomings as a tactician, his saving grace is supposed to be his clubhouse management and his ability to get the most out of his team? Well where is that redeeming quality now? Hmmm now that he doesn't have MVP caliber talent he's exposed for what he is. Go figure.


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Jul 15, 2013
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Exactly. For all washington's shortcomings as a tactician, his saving grace is supposed to be his clubhouse management and his ability to get the most out of his team? Well where is that redeeming quality now? Hmmm now that he doesn't have MVP caliber talent he's exposed for what he is. Go figure.

When the Rangers lost Hamilton, Uehara, Price and all that other talent over this past off-season, the absolute first thing I said to my brother is, "Well, we're about to find out if Ron Washington can really coach." I'm still not convinced that his coaching had as much to do with our two WS appearances as did the talent he had at his disposal.


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wow, I don't even think I'll watch the condensed version of this game...sounds pretty pathetic, now our defense sucks?
down 3 starting pitchers. check (still concerned about Ogando)
RISP nightmares and hitting in general. check
poor defense? check
other than that, sounds like a great team. :L

Essentially the performances of our rookie pitchers were keeping us in this thing, someone would have to show that our offensive output has taken a dive compared to the first two months (roughly when we were playing over .500), it's possible...I just don't know for sure. IMO, we always needed at least another bat. But since we had such a low pitching ERA, we were okay. Now that's certainly gone, and here we are.

Call up Manny, that's fine. Problem is, it's still risky...we don't know if he's going to help. (just forgetting the other risks that involve him) JD still needs to find another hitter, I don't think you rely on a 42 y/o Ramirez to save the offense.
And JD HAS to get a 3 or 4, without question.

so assuming we don't fall 6 behind before we get that pitcher, assuming Ogando and/or Colby come back strong. (big question there)...assuming JD finds a solid bat....
we still have a chance at the division.

We lucked out and the A's were blanked again. So not a panic situation...the Garza trade was really disappointing, I think JD wanted him here stat, and it would have been a big morale boost, forgetting the obvious IMMEDIATE need for him.
In conclusion, we could nose dive quickly and have no real chance, keep hanging on and a couple trades keep us in.
Just 'thinking' out-loud here
maybe I should have just done this...



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I agree. Profar as the DH, in the 2 hole, batting .230, just isn't going to cut it.

Send him down, before his confidence takes a big hit, it happens. I think it's obvious we don't need him defensively, unless it's pure utility. If that means Manny has to get called up, fine.
We still need another bat


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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I can't let JD slide on this one, the pitching staff has performed great considering but the lack of offense added in FA is on JD. Taking a giant stab at LB being anything but a guy with bad knees and old and AJ having another career year after the one he had last year was just basically begging. Baker was a good signing but not adding another proven bench player and having Leury and Profar as your bench and utility players has only stunted their development IMO. Profar should be developing in RR. Manny Ramirez is another no risk no reward signing as he was 0-3 the last 2 days and I just don't see that manifesting into what we really need which is a proven MLB caliber player that can significantly help this team. I'm tired of all the BS signings or attempts at taking players off the scrap heap and hoping they have something left. When JD fails to add pitching depth and some offensive help at the deadline, I will again be disappointed and can only hope he won't fail in the offseason. It doesn't however excuse the players poor performances or the coaching staff that has crapped the bed in plenty situations on their watch. SHIT


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Send him down, before his confidence takes a big hit, it happens. I think it's obvious we don't need him defensively, unless it's pure utility. If that means Manny has to get called up, fine.
We still need another bat

Not only is his confidence taking a hit but his trade value is as well. Is he thought of as the best prospect in baseball as he once was? The answer is no, he is not


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Jul 2, 2013
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The Rangers limped into the All Star Break and seem to be picking up right where they left off. So far they're playing on a lackadaisical and sloppy note while the hitting still sux. I agree with earlier comments that Washington has lost (or is losing the team)...hell, I said that as early as last year when the team essentially cratered in the midst of a pennant race. My question is...at what point do you think Wash ends up on the hot seat in terms of his job being in danger? I agree that he won't be fired this season, nor during the off-season. JD/Noland continue to give him a ton of weapons; if the team continues to backslide (or fails to progress) I think he might not make through next season. Thoughts...comments?

Well, for starters JD should be trying to give any manager a ton of weapons.
Anytime a team starts to slide, fans always start to question the manager, that's fair. Hell, Wash is questioned regardless, that's fair too....even if it's silly.
In short, Wash has made some obvious mistakes, trying to hit Murphy in the two hole, not platooning him earlier might have prevented a big plunge by Murphy. Pulling pitchers too soon or too late? That's arbitrary depending on the game. With this pitching mess, that's really tough to call.
Pettis sends too many, but I could argue Anderson was too conservative.

What isn't Washington's fault? This team once again, snake bit by pitching injuries. (the number one problem without question, Rooks start to tank in June...what's he going to do?)
EA not being the usual dependable two-hole, not Wash's fault. Martin in the two-hole? I haven't seen the last few games, if he's been there and hit okay, keep him there. If he's not there, move him there...that would count as a mistake by Wash.
We didn't sign a big enough bat in the off-season, not Wash's fault. (the number two problem without question) If fans want to argue JD had no one to go after but a very questionable injured Berkman, that's fine...still not Washington's fault.

We can't really tell if he'll be fired in the off-season, we still have half a season to go. I do agree with the points that JD MIGHT not fire him after this season regardless of the outcome, but I tend to think he will be fired assuming we don't make another deep playoff run. If we do then no, obviously he'll be around next year.
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F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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For everyone discussing Wash, as much as I don't like it he will be around until the Rangers have multiple losing seasons. There will be too many excuses about injuries and lack of players to grab in FA that will excuse the bonehead moves he makes and the team wins despite him. Wash will be around for years, get used to it


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Not only is his confidence taking a hit but his trade value is as well. Is he thought of as the best prospect in baseball as he once was? The answer is no, he is not

I've been pretty clear on the point that I never really understood why you move around Profar so he can get bats, it's one of the strangest things I've seen in this game.
Wanted a offensive boost, assuming he was to give one...have him DH, his defensive skills aren't going anywhere. It's always problems with the ditch in this game. Plenty of great defensive players....

I don't think JD is worried at all about his value, because I truly believe by asking Kinsler to move in the offseason was the answer...he never intended to trade Profar.
As you point out, by playing Profar regularly, and sending a top 2nd to first base or the OF is a very big exposure risk for a rook.

Is Profar still tradeable? Sure he is, he's young. Has his value decreased, yes obviously...how much, don't know. And still think JD has no plans on trading him.


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Jul 2, 2013
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For everyone discussing Wash, as much as I don't like it he will be around until the Rangers have multiple losing seasons. There will be too many excuses about injuries and lack of players to grab in FA that will excuse the bonehead moves he makes and the team wins despite him. Wash will be around for years, get used to it

Just out of curiosity, why do think JD would keep after "multiple" losing seasons? I don't see that.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Lainey it's more grasping at straws to try and get some offensive production. An unproven prospect that gets thrown into the fire to try and salvage some offense for this team, like Leury being the bench player. It's all just throwing crap at the wall and hoping something sticks. Profar is a going to be a good baseball player, but he is not the answer offensively or defensively to get this team to the postseason this season.


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I can't let JD slide on this one, the pitching staff has performed great considering but the lack of offense added in FA is on JD. Taking a giant stab at LB being anything but a guy with bad knees and old and AJ having another career year after the one he had last year was just basically begging. Baker was a good signing but not adding another proven bench player and having Leury and Profar as your bench and utility players has only stunted their development IMO. Profar should be developing in RR. Manny Ramirez is another no risk no reward signing as he was 0-3 the last 2 days and I just don't see that manifesting into what we really need which is a proven MLB caliber player that can significantly help this team. I'm tired of all the BS signings or attempts at taking players off the scrap heap and hoping they have something left. When JD fails to add pitching depth and some offensive help at the deadline, I will again be disappointed and can only hope he won't fail in the offseason. It doesn't however excuse the players poor performances or the coaching staff that has crapped the bed in plenty situations on their watch. SHIT

I essentially agree, sure...folks can blame Washington, he certainly has some glaring faults. But completely letting JD off the hook is wrong.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just out of curiosity, why do think JD would keep after "multiple" losing seasons? I don't see that.

I dont think Wash will be kept after multiple losing seasons, im saying it will take multiple losing seasons before he is fired and that won't happen until this team is below .500 for a season or 2. That isn't going to happen any time soon either